A lively controversy had begun after the announcement that the state would receive 14 million taxes in the operation carried by Stéphane Bern.
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By Benoît Floc'h
It has been enough of a small storm on Twitter for the state back on funding the defense of old stones. The Loto Heritage, operation promoted by the host Stéphane Bern and intended to finance the renovation of the "heritage in danger", has raised 200 million euros. The state, criticized because it collects 14 million taxes on the Lotto, has decided to devote an additional 21 million euros to the renovation of old buildings, by releasing this sum in favor of the Ministry of Culture. "Good news for heritage", rejoices Stéphane Bern at the World.
In fact, he has just folded the Department of Public Accounts. Since Monday, October 22, the host was opposed to Gerald Darmanin, Minister of Action and Public Accounts. On that day, Mr. Darmanin, who defended the 2019 budget in the National Assembly, said: "This lottery creates, like all the others, taxes that come out of receipts [du jeu]. Taxes are affected by the state. " The small sentence triggered a controversy, the state found itself accused of making money on the lottery heritage.
Read also:
"Mission Bern": why the amount donated to the heritage is criticized
"Surprised and shocked"
The members of the badociation which undertook the renovation of the castle of Meauce, in the Nièvre, say, for example, "Surprised and shocked to learn that the taxes will not be returned to the Bern mission". "We apologize to everyone we said that 100% of taxes would be for heritage"they add. Stéphane Bern, himself, takes part in the discussion: "The finance law gives reason" to Mr. Darmanin, he confided, Tuesday, October 23, to Parisian, "But, morally, I ask him to give up these taxes".
Somewhat annoyed by the way things turn out, Gérald Darmanin answers a few hours later on Twitter: "Stop #fakenews »he writes in the night. Of the 200 million euros in revenues of the Loto Heritage, the main will go to the players (144 million), far ahead of the French games (FDJ, 22 million), the Heritage Foundation (20 million) and the State , which will receive 14 million euros of taxes in the operation.
What the host-promoter immediately answered, always on the social network:
"A drop of water for the state that represents so much for the heritage. Could you not make a gesture and give up this levy so that everything is destined to save the heritage in danger which, in any case, is the State's responsibility? "
The excitement is at its height. Wednesday night, in the program "Debate" on LCI, Olivia Grégoire, MP The Republic on the march of Paris, Stéphane Bern put in his place: "It's a little cheeky to say that we discover the rules of the game, while they are written from the beginning. Stéphane Bern knows very well that it is 10% of this financial mbad that will save our heritage. That it is not enough, I mean. That rules have evolved, that's not true. " Outraged, Arlette Chabot, who presents the show, out of his hinges: "Long live Stéphane Bern and down the tax haven! "she says after attacking Gérald Darmanin.
"It's in the law"
Wednesday, though, Bercy was holding on: "Morally, it would not be fair to blame the state for not having made a tax gesture, while renouncing the entirety of its share excluding VAT. And if it does, it is for the Heritage Foundation, which recovers what the state renounces. The state has also made sure that the players' winnings are important, because that was the condition of the attractiveness of the operation. " Moreover, it is noted from the same source, tickets sold 15 euros indicate, next to the photo of Stéphane Bern, that only 1.52 euro will be donated to the Heritage Foundation.
For a game of the same type, the state normally receives 17% of taxes. On this part, ten points belong to him. That's what he gives up. And he can not go beyond: "It's in the law, says one to Bercy, you can not take less than 7%. "
The obstinacy of Stéphane Bern however paid. It has mobilized the powerful relays it has at the highest level of the state. Taxes are regulatory; they will remain. But the defenders of the old stones double their gains: to 20 million euros that the Heritage Foundation recovers via the Lotto, will be added 21 million euros released by the State. The story says a lot, in any case, the terror that the low-tax bowl causes the Elysee.
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