The terrorist Djamel Beghal is released from prison


With more than 23 months of remission, the Islamist released on Monday, before his expulsion to Algeria where he could be incarcerated.

It is, since the early 2000s, one of the worst of all governments in the field of terrorism. Djamel Beghal, considered as the mentor of Chérif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly, authors of the attacks of Charlie Hebdo and of the Hyper Cacher in 2015, out this Monday of the French prison of Vezin-le-Coquet , in Ille-et-Vilaine. He had been sentenced to twice ten years, successively in 2005 for criminal conspiracy and, in 2013, for planning the escape of Smaïn Aït Ali Belkacem, formerly of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA). As a result of these convictions, he received 22 months of reduction of sentence as any other person. In addition, there are 20 exceptional days of remission for this very cumbersome prisoner. In total, 23 months and 15 days. Having lost French nationality in 2007, which he had acquired in 1995, it was up to France and Algeria to agree on his expulsion during this early release.

An extremely sensitive case

On several occasions, Djamel Beghal had asked to be extradited to his country of origin. A record of extreme sensitivity, conducted with discretion between the Algerian authorities and the Quai d'Orsay. The negotiations, which intensified from January last, successfully led to the issuance of a consular pbad at the end of last week, as was then revealed Le Figaro . Now, the Beghal file, which has left the field of the Ministry of Justice, is in the hands of that of the Interior, in charge of ensuring the expulsion of the Algerian, 52 years old. With, if necessary, administrative detention under high security, the time to carry out this expulsion.

According to our information, on his arrival in Algeria, Djamel Beghal should serve a sentence of twenty years. He was sentenced in absentia in 2003 by the criminal court of Algiers, for facts dating back to 2001. He was criticized for belonging to a terrorist group. The Algerian justice has accused him of having supervised, during his stay in Afghanistan in the late 1990s, Algerian nationals in a training camp. Similarly, he was accused of having animated and led a terrorist cell during his stay in London, from 1998. On Friday, his lawyer, Me Bérenger Tourné, strongly disputed such a conviction, stating 'AFP:' My client and I discover that he would be sentenced to twenty years in prison in Algeria, whereas no conviction, by default or in absentia or otherwise, has ever been served on Mr Beghal to date And to add that he has never "set foot in Algeria since 1987".

His activities and his participation in various Islamic movements date back to the mid-1990s. It is from 2001 that he appears as a threat identified by various states, date of his first arrest, in Abu Dhabi by the United Arab Emirates, while returning from Afghanistan. Extradited to France, he will be sentenced in 2005. It is during his detention in Fleury-Mérogis that he will meet the future killers of 2015, becoming their religious mentor. His house arrest in 2009 will not prevent them from keeping in touch with one of the Islamists considered to be the most dangerous and hardened on the terrorist planet.

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