The Villa, the battle of the couples: Jazz fart a cable, Hillary and Sébastien in danger … Replay of the episode 2


At the end of the first battle, the first tensions are already being felt. Jazz and Laurent get angry with Vivian and the situation degenerates. Steven and Cbadandra are the big losers and they are removed 10,000 euros from their kitty and a bracelet. They are automatically nominated for the next ceremony. Tom and Hagda, who are the big winners, will have to nominate a couple for the ceremony. After this ordeal, the girls take the opportunity to discuss and Jesta confides that she is so in love with Benoit that she is ready to marry with and waits for him to make her request.

 The Villa, the battle of the couples: Jazz fart a cable, Hillary and Sebastian in danger ... Replay of the episode 2

Leaving to discuss with Tom, Sebastien realizes that Tom and Hagda hesitate to vote against him and cut off a bracelet. The atmosphere becomes tense and Vivian also decides to apologize to Beverly not to attract the wrath of other residents. He admits that he went too far and was carried away. They end up reconciling and starting on a good basis. The girls then receive a message to designate the worst matched couple by answering an SMS in less than 15 minutes: the couple who receives the most votes will be removed a bracelet.

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