this terrible last-minute revelation …


The clan is torn apart and the adorable girls of Johnny, Jade and Joy suffer the most. These are unfortunate. Unhappy to see on social networks everything that is said about their family. All the attacks addressed to their maternal grandmother, to their mother.

<p clbad = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" The choice of Johnny it's his choice, it's not what I would have done. On the other hand, I understand Laeticia's approach to respect the choices and decisions of her man. He took into account the opinions of Laeticia (…) it was he who wanted to protect her and protect the two small ones. He said 'if I'm leaving, you're going to have a mouthful', he was right. And I find extremely violent all the words said about the two small " explains Pierre Billon, a close rocker in an interview with Yahoo." data-reactid = "23"> "Johnny's choice is his choice, it's not what I would have done, but I understand Laeticia's approach to respect the choices and decisions of his man He took into account the opinions of Laeticia (…) he was the one who wanted to protect her and protect the two little ones, he said 'if I go, you will "I'm very excited about all the words on the two little ones" explains Pierre Billon, a close friend of the rocker in an interview with Yahoo.

<p Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" "We speak of adopted children. No, it's Johnny's kids. It will revolt all people who adopted children to hear that ….

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Laeticia Hallyday: Shocking statements very disturbing!

David Hallyday and Estelle Lefébure: reunion at Roland-Garros!

Laeticia Hallyday: accused of lying to fans of Johnny …

Johnny Hallyday would have been 75 years old: Back in pictures on the organized Mbad by his fans

Johnny Hallyday would have been 75 years old: Sylvie, Laeticia, Nathalie … all the women of his life

"data-reactid =" 24 "> " We speak of adopted children. No, it's Johnny's kids. It will revolt all people who adopted children to hear that ….

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Laeticia Hallyday: Shocking statements very disturbing!

David Hallyday and Estelle Lefébure: reunion at Roland-Garros!

Laeticia Hallyday: accused of lying to fans of Johnny …

Johnny Hallyday would have been 75 years old: Back in pictures on the organized Mbad by his fans

Johnny Hallyday would have been 75 years old: Sylvie, Laeticia, Nathalie … all the women of his life

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