thousands of protesters in Ventimiglia against the borders


The procession, composed of many Italians but also French and Germans walked in the city under police surveillance, to the French border before turning around.

Several thousand people demonstrated Saturday in Ventimiglia, on the border between France and Italy, against the closure of European borders to migrants. The procession, composed of many Italians but also French and Germans walked in the city in a good atmosphere, but under police surveillance, until the French border before turning around.

"A Europe without borders. " "For a dignified welcome to refugees in a Europe without borders", proclaimed a sign held by a protester while two others wore hats in the form of small paper boats on which it was written: "tragedy off Libya, 700 to 900 dead migrants, only 28 survivors. "

" Denunciation of the brutality of national and international policies ". The event, on the occasion of July 14, was organized by many badociations that deal with the reception of migrants. Its aim was, according to a statement from the organizers, "a mobilization of denunciation of the brutality of national and international policies of migration governance" and "to claim the need for a European residence permit and the right to mobility". Europe for migrants

A "solidarity march" to Calais. Ventimiglia is an Italian border town that has seen thousands of migrants migrate from the peninsula to northern Europe but since 2015 France systematically prevents their entry into its territory. Several hundred volunteers and citizens engaged in a "solidarity march", part April 30 Ventimiglia, have also arrived last Saturday in Calais, after a journey of 1,400 km to show that "France welcomes . "

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