three other children trapped in the cave were rescued


Here are all of our live #THAILANDE

14h28 : Hello @anonymous and @beaugosse, three young footballers have been extracted from the cave flooded today, announces the special correspondent of France 2 on the spot, Nicolas Bertrand. In total, seven children have been saved since yesterday. Five boys and their coach remain trapped in this cave. You can follow the situation in our live

14h22 : hello, franceinfo do we know exactly how many children have come out of the cave? We are talking about 6 now is it true? Thank you good day

14h22 : Where is the evacuation of children in Thailand

14h21 : Three other young footballers were evacuated from the cave, announces the special envoy of France 2 on the spot.

11:38 : Some shots from Tham Luang Cave, Thailand. Because of the rain, rescuers are exploring options other than cave diving, including digging holes in the rock. The option is still on the table, according to the authorities.


11:41 : Let's go back to Thailand, where the franceinfo's special correspondent said that the monsoon rain that has been falling in abundance since last night is making life difficult for rescuers looking to help the teenagers trapped in the cave. Relief is now being used to plug the many cavities through which water seeps into the mountain.


10:36 : Usually cautious in his declarations, the chief of the rescue workers evacuating the second group of children stuck in a flooded cave in Thailand ensures this morning be able to announce "good news in a few hours" .

10h07 : The first 4 survivors of the cave are doing very well! They were asking for more food this morning. Relief operations have resumed to find their friends. #ThaiCave @franceinfo

10:04 : According to the special envoy of France 2 present at the press conference of the authorities, the operations resumed four hours ago. But the managers of the extraction maneuvers chose to wait before communicating about it.

10:00 : The rescue operations of children stuck in the cave in Thailand have resumed, confirm the authorities. 19659017] 09h57 : "I'm still waiting here, at the cave, I cross my fingers so that my son is among those who are going out today."

Pheerapat's mother, one children stranded in Tham Luang cave, told reporters that they heard of a rescue of "four boys" planned today, without knowing who it is.

09h46 : Here are some shots of the surroundings of Tham Luang, where eight young footballers and their coach are still trapped in a flooded cave. A helicopter flies over the area and ambulances arrived on the scene.


09h14 : Our colleagues from CNN claim that the rescue operations of adolescents stuck for fifteen days in a Thai cave have taken over. We seek to confirm this information on our side. Thanks to the anonymous reader who reported this information to us ?

07:33 : The special correspondent of France 2 in Thailand informs us that a press conference must take place on the rescue operations of young footballers still stuck in the cave of Tham Luang. These would not have taken over yet.

07:31 : Back to the outskirts of Tham Luang, where nine young footballers are still trapped in a flooded cave. The authorities have not yet communicated on the resumption of rescue operations, but ambulances arrived this morning near the entrance to the cave.


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