To Donald Trump, the EU answers to be "allied", not "enemy" of the United States


European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici responded to Donald Trump by baderting that European countries "wanted to occupy an ally status, not an enemy".

The European Union (EU), targeted by Washington on the commercial and monetary fields, recalled Sunday its status as a "ally" historical and not "enemy" of the United States, during the G20 Finance in Buenos Aires

"We target is certainly inappropriate". European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici stressed that the European countries "wanted to occupy an ally status, not an enemy but an ally", taking up the word used by US President Donald Trump who had qualified Friday Europeans as "enemies" by criticizing their monetary policy and after threatening them to overtax European products. "The European Union is certainly not responsible for the main trade imbalances." We target is certainly inappropriate, "said the European Commissioner, while a journalist asked him if Europe was victim of collateral damage in the trade war between United States and China

Europeans send Wednesday European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom to Washington. "We are trying to build bridges," continued the EU commissioner.

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