Trump accuses prosecutor Mueller, who leads the investigation, of "conflicts of interest"


Photomontage of US President Donald Trump against Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of Russia Robert Mueller. – PHOTOS SIPA / MOUNTING 20 MINUTES

Donald Trump continues to revolt against "the Russian investigation". On Sunday, the US president accused the special prosecutor Robert Mueller of having "conflicts of interest" that should prevent him from conducting the investigation into suspicions of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

a series of tweets in which he attacks the credibility of the special prosecutor, Donald Trump claims to have over the years "a very bad business relationship and conflict" with Robert Mueller.

"Robert Mueller will he reveal one day his conflicts of interest with President Trump, including the fact that we had a very bad and conflicting business relationship, I refused him as head of the FBI (a day before his appointment as special attorney) and Comey is his close friend, "said Donald Trump in one of his tweets.

Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his remarks with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned to the FBI (one day before appointment as SC) & Comey is his close friend ..

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2018

James Comey was dismissed as FBI director in May 2017 by Donald Trump and has since been very critical of the president. The New York Times claimed in January that Donald Trump had wanted to also fire Robert Mueller in June 2017 but had retreated after a White House legal adviser, Don McGahn, threatened to resign if he

Robert Mueller, a Republican like Trump

The newspaper wrote at the time that Donald Trump had raised three conflicts of interest that would affect Robert Mueller and disqualify him to conduct the investigation into accusations of Russian interference. It would be a dispute over Donald Trump's National Golf Club rates, Robert Mueller's work for a law firm that had represented President Jusse Kushner's son-in-law, and an interview that the two men would have had. had to consider a candidacy of Robert Mueller at the head of the FBI, the day before his appointment as a special prosecutor.

Donald Trump regularly qualifies the investigation led by Robert Mueller of "witch hunt" and asks that it ends , pointing out that the Special Prosecutor's team is composed mainly of Democrats. Robert Mueller, for his part, is a Republican like Donald Trump.

"Hunting witches"

In his tweets on Sunday, Donald Trump repeated that the opening of the investigation headed by Robert Mueller had been triggered by a controversial case containing unproven allegations about the Republican candidate and written by a former member of the British intelligence service, Christopher Steele

There is No Collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, an angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent File, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal Scam!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2018

Donald Trump also wondered in his messages why Robert Mueller was not also investigating on the Democrats. "There is no collusion! Robert Mueller's tricked witch hunt, now run by 17 angry Democrats (compared to 13 previously, including an Obama White House lawyer), was launched by a fraudulent case, paid by Hillary the Crapule and the DNC [Comité national démocrate]. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal scam! , Wrote the president.

There is No Collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, an angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent File, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal Scam!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2018

"And why Mueller …?

"And also, why Mueller engages only Angry Democrats, some of whom worked for Hillay the Crapule and others, like himself, worked for Obama … And why Mueller does not Does not he look at all the criminal activity and the real Russian collusion on the democratic side – Podesta, Dossier? Donald Trump again tweeted. Democrat John Podesta was the director of Hillary Clinton's team during the 2016 election campaign.

…. Also, why is Mueller only supplementing Angry Dems, some of whom have worked for Crooked Hillary, others, including himself, have worked for Obama …. And why is not Mueller looking at all the criminal activity & real Russian Collusion on the Democrats side-Podesta, File?

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2018

Robert Mueller has recently charged twelve Russian intelligence agents who are accused of hacking the Democratic Party computers during the campaign. Four former members of Donald Trump's campaign have also been indicted, but for facts not directly related to the charges of collusion.

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