Trump-Juncker meeting in Washington


Juncker will try to convince the US president not to tax imports of European cars.

The tête-à-tête is particularly expected. Donald Trump receives this Wednesday at the White House the head of the European executive, Jean-Claude Juncker, against a background of trade war. The latter will notably try to convince the US president not to tax imports of European cars. For several weeks, the United States has been isolating itself commercially.

A situation that cringes in the Republican's own camp. Proof of turmoil related to the US President's standoff: His administration has just announced $ 12 billion in emergency aid to farmers affected by Washington's tariff retaliation against China, the EU European Union or Canada.

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In this context, the meeting between the real estate mogul, at the White House for 18 months , and the Luxembourger, head of the European Commission since 2014, looks particularly delicate. Known for his outspokenness, and his humor, the head of the European executive told that Donald Trump had told him, on the occasion of the last G7: "Jean-Claude, you are a brutal killer". "I think he said that as a compliment but I'm not sure …", he added.

Trump confident

Donald Trump regularly threatens to take a new course in the absence of concessions from Brussels: impose tariffs on imports of European cars, which particularly worries Germany, where this key sector employs some 800,000 people.

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Before his departure, Cecilia Malmström, the European Commissioner for Trade, who will accompany Jean-Claude Juncker in the US federal capital, expressed hope for a "de-escalation". But few signals point in this direction.

On the eve of the meeting, the tenant of the White House has once again denounced the attitude of Europe to which he has for several months reserved his sharpest arrows. "What the European Union is doing to us is amazing (…) They look nice, but they are tough," he said from Kansas City, Missouri, promising to vigorously defend his interests. from America during his meeting with the President of the European Commission.

Free Trade

One tweet, he again ironed, as he had already done at the G7, about the presumed lack of boldness of the partners of the United States, proposing that everyone give up "all tariffs, non-tariff barriers and subsidies". "It would really be free trade, I hope they will, we are ready, but they will not do it!", He added.

Rejoicing, in the willingly provocative tone he likes, that the countries covered by the tariffs "all come to Washington to negotiate," Donald Trump insists that his strategy will not bear fruit and that "everything will be fine. ".

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