Trump prohibits illegal immigrants from filing asylum claims


The decree was immediately denounced as violating the rights of asylum seekers, and the powerful civil liberties organization ACLU filed a lawsuit.

The with AFP
• Updated

Donald Trump, November 9 in Washington.

The United States began Friday (November 9th) to automatically reject asylum claims made by people who crossed the border illegally with Mexico. A coup that follows the signing of a decree by Donald Trump, which prohibits any immigrant arrived illegally in the US territory to apply for asylum, which was authorized for decades.

"The mbad and continuing migration of foreigners with no reason to be admitted to the United States via our southern border has caused a crisis and undermines the integrity of our borders"Trump justified, hoping to discourage Central Americans migrants, including a "caravan" of 4,000 people, to win the country. One exception is provided for unaccompanied minors, say the authorities.

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Legal action

The decree was immediately denounced as violating the rights of asylum seekers. The American Union for the Protection of Civil Rights (ACLU), the Center for Constitutional Rights and the Southern Poverty Law Center have appealed to the San Francisco Federal Court to prevent the application of this decree. "US law specifically allows individuals to seek asylum, whether or not they have arrived through an entry point"said in a statement on Thursday a spokesman for the powerful badociation ACLU. "It is illegal to circumvent this principle. "

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But US officials believe that since Mexico is the first country considered safe where migrants arrive from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, this is where applications should be made. "Mexico is definitely a safe country for those fleeing persecution", said a Trump government official to reporters on Friday. "We want people to come to our country, but they have to come in a legal way"said Mr Trump before flying to France.

The US presidential decree clearly states that Mr. Trump wants Mexico to handle this issue. It states that the automatic rejection of asylum applications by persons crossing the border illegally will continue for ninety days or until an agreement is reached. "Allowing the United States to send foreigners back to Mexico" be concluded.

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The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has called on the United States to ensure that anyone fleeing violence or persecution who is in need of refugee protection, can receive it promptly and "Unhindered", in accordance with international law.

"Travel ban" rejected

Donald Trump had made immigration his main campaign theme before the mid-term elections on November 6, regularly denouncing a "Invasion". Its decree is supposed to relieve an already overloaded system, some 700,000 cases currently pending in the courts. In the last five years, the number of people who have applied for asylum has increased by 2,000%, according to the Department of Homeland Security, stating that less than 10% of them are finally accepted.

The Trump administration has already taken several steps to reduce the conditions for granting political asylum, but the US justice has rejected the travel ban that the president had decreed last year, to prevent immigrants from countries predominantly Muslims to enter the US territory.

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The repeal of Barack Obama's program to prevent the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of smuggled immigrants to the United States, when they were minors, was also rejected by a federal appeals court in California.

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