Trump's former lawyer seems ready to go through with President


Trump's former lawyer seems ready to go to the end in front of the president

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former lawyer and trustee, is now engaged in a fight with the president and seems closer than ever to working with the justice system, even compromising him.

Having remained faithful to the Republican billionaire for months, even though he was already in turmoil and under investigation, Michael Cohen now plays, solo, his all-out to avoid a trial, or even prison

On Tuesday, his lawyer, Lanny Davis, told CNN the recording of a conversation between Donald Trump and Michael Cohen, published by the channel, after having leaked it to the press late last week.

The two men mention what would be a payment to David Pecker, boss of the AMI press group and the weekly magazine National Enquirer.

In August 2016, the title had bought the exclusive the testimony of an elder not playmate, Karen McDougal, who claims to have had a ten-month relationship with Donald Trump straddling 2006 and 2007.

The payment referred to during the conversation was never made.

"What kind of lawyer registers his clients? Really sad! ", Tweeted Wednesday morning the president, who hinted that the tape had been shortened on purpose and that it was a manipulation.

" I hear that other customers and many journalists were also registered, "he continued." Is it possible? Too bad! "

More recordings?

In the opinion of several jurists, contrary to what Donald Trump had suggested on Saturday, registration is legal under the laws of the State of New York , and could quite well be used in court proceedings.

George Turner, a law professor at George Washington University, even believes that if he is not "directly incriminating" to Donald Trump, it could contribute to a "mosaic" of elements calling it into question in a case of violation of the rules of electoral financing.

But observers note above all that the recording, beyond its content, is indicative of the intentions of Michael Cohen

By publishing this audio, he took a rare initiative for a lawyer who, in addition to going against his former client, probably sign his professional death sentence.

"Most lawyers are shocked that a lawyer can do that, "says Turley. "But Michael Cohen is not just any lawyer, he's long been considered the shame of the bar."

"Michael Cohen has taken a new direction in his life and is now determined to tell the truth," Lanny Davis told ABC on Wednesday, denouncing a multi-month campaign led by Camp Trump to discredit his client

"Michael Cohen appears as someone who seeks above all to protect himself, and it is always a risk," said Julian Zelizer, professor at Princeton University.

The publication of the "may be part of Cohen's strategy to find an agreement (with US justice) and evade prosecution," said Paul Beck, professor of political science at Ohio State University.

For Andrew Wright, a law professor at Savannah Law School (Georgia), the operation of US justice allows investigators and the prosecution not to prosecute a person who agrees to collaborate.

Beyond pbad Registration Tuesday, "what is more dangerous for Trump is the existence of other bands," said Paul Beck.

"There are other recordings," said Wednesday Lanny Davis, no more

A trusted man of Donald Trump for many years, Michael Cohen has often been touted as his henchman, ready to arrange all kinds of transactions on behalf of his boss.

He notably acknowledged paid $ 130,000 to the badgraphic actress Stormy Daniels to buy his silence about an alleged affair with Donald Trump and could have in his possession compromising information for the president.

On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal revealed that Michael Cohen had collaborated with David Pecker on several occasions to bury several testimonies related to Donald Trump or to people around him.

According to the newspaper, the investigators inter alia questioned former White House adviser Omarosa Manigault on a transaction of this type.

25/07/2018 21:45:00 –
New York (AFP) –
© 2018 AFP

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