Trump's "weakness" over Putin scandalizes even Republican ranks


The US president refused on Monday to condemn Russia for interfering in the election that brought him to power.

Reactions were quick to burst, in the American political clbad , after the words of Donald Trump, who stubbornly refused Monday, July 16, to condemn Moscow for interference in the US presidential campaign at a summit in Helsinki with Vladimir Putin, opting for a resolutely conciliatory tone with his counterpart Russian.

See also:
                Vladimir Putin dominates the Helsinki match against Donald Trump

The leader of the Democratic opposition in the US Senate, Chuck Schumer, accused the American president of having shown himself "irresponsible, dangerous and weak" against Vladimir Putin. "The White House is now confronted with a single grim question: what can push Donald Trump to put Russia's interests above those of the United States?" he writes on Twitter after the joint press conference of the two leaders in the Finnish capital. Millions of Americans will continue to wonder if the only possible explanation for this dangerous behavior is the possibility that President Putin has harmful information about President Trump.

For the President of the United States to President Putin against American law enforcement, American defe …

– SenSchumer (@Chuck Schumer)

The White House tenant, along with the Kremlin's strong man, attacked Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election that brought him to power, and seemed to put on the same plane the accusations of American intelligence in this sense and the denials of Vladimir Putin.

See also:

                Helsinki Summit: "Realpolitik revolution by the Trump-Putin duo"

"Tragic Error"

"In the entire history of our country, the Americans had never seen a US president supporting an opponent of America as Donald Trump just backed President Putin" lamented Chuck Schumer. And to estimate:

"For the President of the United States, to be on the side of President Putin against US security forces, US defense officials, and US intelligence agencies is unthinking, dangerous and low.

The joint press conference of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin was "one of the worst moments in the history of the American presidency" has raised Republican Senator John McCain. "It is clear that the Helsinki summit was a tragic mistake" the 81-year-old Senator added in a statement.

Today's press conference in #Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memo …

– SenJohnMcCain (@John McCain)

See also:

                Trump's ambiguities with Putin

The Republican leader in the US Congress, Paul Ryan, called Mr. Trump to "realize that Russia is not our ally" . "There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia which remains hostile to our ideals and our fundamental values" he said.

The director of the US intelligence, Dan Coats, also reacted, defending the "clear" badessments of his services on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and on "ongoing efforts" Moscow for "undermining" American democracy.

See also:
                At the summit between Trump and Putin in Helsinki, the temptation of the zones of influence

Trying to extinguish the fire, Donald Trump then reacted on Twitter, saying he had a "immense confidence" in US intelligence: "As I said today and many times before, I have HUGE confidence in MY intelligence agents. However, I must also recognize that in order to build a better future, we can not turn exclusively to the past – as the two largest nuclear powers in the world, we must agree!

As I said today and many times before, "I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people." However, I also recognize …

– realDonaldTrump (@Donald J. Trump )

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