Tunisia – ECB has said everything, but half-words


President of the Republic Béji Caïed Essebsi granted an interview broadcasted by the channel Nessma TV, in which he answered the questions of the two journalists Khalifa Ben Salem and Neji Zaïri. He spoke after a silence deemed too long by some observers. To which, BCE replied that he preferred to speak only when he had something to say !!!

He did not agree to the dismissal of Lotfi Brahem

BCE said that the constitution obliged the head of the government to inform him of such dismissal, but not to ask his opinion. What he did not fail to do, advising Chahed to temper a bit since the security situation was critical, and that he would have to badume his responsibilities; but he has done only to his head; BCE has announced that it does not believe in the history of the coup. Regarding the relationship between this dismissal and the latest terrorist attack that killed six officers of the National Guard, he badured that he did not think there was an obvious link of cause and effect, but that it criticized, nevertheless, the change at the head of two important directions of the national guard, which was untimely and which could have had consequences on the operation of Ain Soltane.

By the way, in this attack he There are great shadow points, which he could not speak of as the matter was being dealt with by the courts. but if what Badra Gaaloul reported from his prior knowledge of the attack and informed the authorities, is true, it will have serious consequences.

The story of the consensus with the Sheikh,

On the question of consensus with Ennahdha, BCE said that it has become very difficult to find a consensus with a party that has visions completely opposite to yours. [19659004] BCE recalled that it has always, advocated consensus, in which it firmly believes. But the consensus still has its limits, because initially the one concluded with the Sheikh had to respect two fundamental principles: The Fatherland before the parties and the valorization of the national dialogue. But these principles are no longer respected by his peers, according to BCE.

But, he quickly recovered, there is no consensus only with Ennahdha, a consensus with all the others components of the social and political scene remains important, as with the UGTT, or UTICA.

The future of the Chahed government is sealed

Initially the Carthage document sought to ensure a good mattress policy for the Chahed government. But the opposite happened, and all present were unanimous in saying that the government failed in its programs and had to leave. All except Ennahdha who held Youssef Chahed, supposedly to ensure political stability. But BCE has noticed that stability does not depend on names, but on deeds and facts.

Now, things being what they are, Chahed has two alternatives, and this despite the infallible support of Ennahdha: Either he resigns, either, he asks again the confidence to the ARP.

What happens in Nidaa Tounes is not innocent

In connection with the new splits which declared themselves within Nidaa Tounes, BCE shouted that it was neither fortuitous nor innocent, and that they wanted to get their hands on the bet they created. He added that he was not going to let go, and that he would get things back on track.

What advice does he give to Tunisians and the political clbad?

BCE concluded by solemn appeal to all Tunisians, to bend the backseat and get to work without thinking too much of the 2019 deadline. He added that it was absurd for someone who is, at the moment in power to think about the 2019 deadline, neglecting his present work, for which he was invested. In this way, he added, he will be sure to fail at these deadlines.

Then he ended up on a Tunisian board to unite around the good cause and stop fighting for the next deadlines, saying that it has become ridiculous to see the number of people who are able to win the next presidential elections.

The master word to remember the interview of BCE

Above all, Beji Caied Essebsi should not be taken for the last of the politicians. It should be known that he has waited too long to speak in this way. He waited, what, exactly? Probably something that is happening overseas … Something that has, or is going to change, a lot of things. Because there is a detail that many have not captured, it is when he treated Rached Ghannouchi, his partner of yesterday, although it was made up in pseudo-lapsus, of supreme guide of the brothers, which takes a certain sense when we know that somewhere under the dome of the congress of world power No. 1, we would be reviewing its position towards the Muslim brothers, and that it would be a question of placing them on the lists of terrorist organizations !

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