Tunisia. Eight members of security forces killed in "terrorist" operation


According to a spokesman for the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior, eight members of the security forces were killed on Sunday by a terrorist ambush in the north-west of the country.

At least eight members of Tunisian security forces were killed on Sunday in a "terrorist" operation in northwestern Tunisia, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry said.

"Eight members of the National Guard were killed in an ambush tense this morning by a terrorist group " in the area of ​​Ain Sultan, in the governorate of Jendouba, a few tens of kilometers from the Algerian border, told AFP General Sufyan al-Zaq

The heaviest record of an attack since 2015

According to Reuters quoting the Tunisian news agency TAP, l the attackers threw a grenade at the first car security and firing broke out between members of the National Guard and the attackers

This is the heaviest record in an attack since 2015, when three major attacks were committed by Islamists. These three attacks, one in Sousse and two others in Tunis, had been claimed by the group Jihadist Islamic State (IS).

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