Twenty years old plows in Kerampuilh


Located in Landeleau, in 1992, for its first edition, then in the city center of Carhaix in 1995, the festival finds its definitive location in 1998: in Kerampuilh.


«[19659004] In 1995, we had 10,000 spectators, then doubled in 1996 and doubled in 1997 with 40 000 people. We could see that we could not organize the festival in the center, we had to find another place " recalls Christian Troadec, mayor of Carhaix and former president of the festival.

The site was set up for the French Cross Championship in 1996. Remi L'Hôpital, former Treasurer of the Vieilles Charrues, at the idea of ​​setting up the festival site in one of the fields of Kerampuilh.

Coupe du world

"Before, the festival was held on the first weekend of July. But it was too early, high school students had the bac. We wanted to move it to the second weekend, but it was the World Cup, even if we did not know that France would win! That's how we chose the third weekend of July " explains Christian Troadec

The arrival of the festival in Kerampuilh is part of a global project of development of the site. The Diwan high school moved there in 1999. It was also the same year that the Public Office of the Breton language arrived in Carhaix, because, originally, it had to be located at the castle.

the President of the Brittany Region, yesterday, finally confirms this project. " The development of the castle will begin in September 2018 " he declared at the opening of the site.

" There was a lack of a structure to host professionals during the festival. In Kerampuilh, we had the opportunity to transform the former retirement home dormitories for high school students to the year, and for the festival in the summer continues the mayor. Today, we invest between 20 000 and 60 000 euros a year to improve the site. "

" We wish to double the Glenmor site by creating a Sports and Convention Center. A feasibility study is underway " declared Christian Troadec.

The Old Plows should yield 5 ha of land to the company Synutra, for the next edition. " In compensation for what will be consumed by Synutra and for the future development of the festival, 27 ha of land, at the Métairie Neuve, should be acquired by Poher community " said the mayor

Also read on the last page the portrait of the safety officer of Les Vieilles Charrues

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