UN boss calls on Israelis and Palestinians to avoid "another devastating conflict"


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Saturday called on Israelis and Palestinians to avoid "another devastating conflict" after yesterday's escalation of violence that killed four Palestinians and one Israeli soldier

"I am deeply concerned about this dangerous escalation of violence in Gaza and southern Israel," the UN chief said in a statement. "It is imperative that all parties move away from the risk of another devastating conflict."

"Israel must show restraint." "I call on Hamas and Palestinian militants to stop firing rockets, launching incendiary balloons and no longer provocations along the line of separation" between Israel and the Gaza Strip, claims Antonio Guterres. "And Israel must show restraint to avoid igniting the situation."

"I encourage all parties to work with the UN, including my special coordinator" Nickolay Mladenov, "to find a way out of this situation All further escalation endangers the lives of Palestinians and Israelis, worsens the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and undermines current efforts to improve living conditions and help the Palestinian Authority return to Gaza ", concludes Secretary General.

Israel accuses Hamas. According to UN diplomats, no country has called at this stage of emergency session of the Security Council to try to relieve tension. A regular monthly meeting on the Middle East is on the agenda Tuesday of the Council, chaired in July by Sweden.

In a letter to the Council on Saturday, Israel's ambbadador to the UN, Danny Danon, believes that "Hamas is the only person responsible for the escalation" which cost the life of an Israeli soldier during an "unprovoked attack" by Israel. At its meeting, "the Security Council and the international community must unequivocally condemn Hamas", Danny Danon asks in his letter made public by a statement.

Announced by Hamas, a cease-fire with Israel was generally respected Saturday in the Gaza Strip, the day after the new outbreak of violence. Last week, after a major confrontation between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist movement also announced a cease-fire with Egyptian mediation.

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