VIDEO Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine: Internet users annoyed by her abandonment in Fort Boyard


Candidate of Fort Boyard this Saturday, July 7th, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine has had the gift of annoying the spectators by throwing the sponge on several tests.

To participate in Fort Boyard is not always a party of pleasure. To dare to rub big insects or to jump in the void, it is necessary to have a sacred dose of courage. And it is neither Magloire nor Jarry who will affirm the opposite. Last year, both of them offered hilarious and memorable footage to viewers.

This Saturday, July 7, it is Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine who decided to take the plunge. With the band of C to you she defended the Guy Etienne badociation, which improves the daily life of the patients in the oncology department of the hospital group La Rochelle-Aunis-Ré. Determined to raise funds, the host won several events before being overwhelmed by her fears.

>>> VIDEO Elodie Gossuin cracks and kisses Francis Lalanne on the mouth in Fort Boyard

Selected to ride on the bell, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine has indeed refused to be tied above the void. "I was scared, I deflate. I'm sorry, she said. You have to swing … If I had been swinging alone, maybe, but now it's the team that has to swing me. And then, it's above the tigers, it's super high … I'm sorry. She was finally replaced by the head Eleonora Galbado, who also retracted at the last minute.

Then invited to participate in the Safari event, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine agreed to enter the cage in the middle of the tigers. But in distress, she preferred to play his joker in his place. "I'm not good at all. Very honestly, she started. There, I can not imagine that there is a tiger that will be there, I am paralyzed. If his comrades were understanding, surfers were less forgiving. Annoyed by these abandonments, many have criticized it on social networks.

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