VIDEO Michael Youn upset by the words of his companion Isabelle Funaro


Last night, W9 broadcasted a documentary featuring Michaël Youn. The actor was particularly moved by discovering the message of love that his companion, Isabelle Funaro, left him.

This Monday, July 9, an unpublished report on the career of Michael Youn was broadcast on the W9 channel. Entitled From the Morning Live to Fatal, the best of Michaël Youn this documentary retraces the best television moments of the comedian. On this occasion, a few relatives and colleagues agreed to testify, thus giving several anecdotes about these beautiful years spent with him. Among them, his former sidekick Morning Live Magloire or Veronique Colucci, which was the last television appearance since it unfortunately lost his battle against cancer last April.

"Goldman, he saw that this guy was incredibly generous, that he sang well, that he had all the badets for, points of suspension, replace him, explained the former ambbadador of the Eating of the heart. I saw a delighted smile on Goldman's face as he saw you because for him, he knew you would be a possible successor.

The pretty statement of his companion Isabelle Funaro

Also invited to speak, Isabelle Funaro did not hide his admiration for his man. "This is a guy who comes from the theater, he is an actor insisted his companion. But people forget about it, so it's shocking people to see it in black movies. Proud of her career, the 36-year-old actress and mother of their little Seven took the opportunity to address a statement to her. "Mike, Mike, Mike, I love you. You are the man of my life, that's all " she said, with a smile on her face. A beautiful message of love that moved to tears Michaël Youn.

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