Videos. The granddaughter of Maïté facing Philippe Etchebest in "Objectif Top Chef"


Sequence emotion, for the chief Philippe Etchebest, Tuesday evening on M6, in the daily episode of "Objectif Top Chef". Without knowing it, he found himself facing a candidate who was none other than the little girl of Maïté, truculent cook from the Landes, made famous in the 1980s and 1990s by his show, "The Cuisine of Musketeers".

In this episode of November 13, Philippe Etchebest asks the candidate, Camille Ordonner, how she came to the kitchen. The young woman replies that it is his grandmother, a cook in Rion-des-Landes, who transmitted him "the love of the trade". The chef immediately makes the connection. "Hop hop hop, I see you coming," he says immediately.

At the mention of the most famous standard-bearer of Gascony cuisine, the former rugby player does not hide his emotion. Become today one of the most media leaders of France, he remembers immediately that it is Maïté who made him participate in his first TV show. The archive footage, as you can see in the video below, is worth their weight in peanuts (Soustons, of course) …

"Your grandmother is someone extraordinary, she is an extremely kind, generous woman … Oh yeah, it makes me happy! Damn it, "says Philippe Etchebest, before Camille Ordonez hands him his phone to make him listen to the message specially recorded for him by Maïté herself:" Hello Philippe, it's Maïté. remember me because I, yes, I just wanted to say hello and good luck for the future, see you soon, adishatz! "

"You have cooking in your genes and I'm sure your grandmother will be proud of you."

In the video below, find the recipe prepared by Camille Ordonez, a hot duck foie gras with grapes:

Before the tasting, Philippe Etchebest quickly takes his mind and, true to itself, immediately says that he will not be indulgent for all that. Convinced by the hot foie gras with grapes of the young Landaise (17 years) – "especially by the sauce" – it will nevertheless give it 3 stars, qualifying it for the next stage. While telling him that she must make an effort on creativity.

During this second event, the star chef tries to test the competitors on their weak point. As it happens, "cooking meat", for Camille Ordonez, a sophomore in CAP cooking. He asks him for a basquaise chicken, after a nice session on the Basque-Landes rivalry.

Find below the entire show. Find the pbadages of Camille Ordonez in 2 minutes and 29 minutes.

Unfortunately for the young woman, this test of "Challenge under pressure" will be his last in the show. But she left with the encouragement of her prestigious presenter: "You have cooking in your genes and I'm sure your grandmother will be proud of you."

Camille Ordonez is currently in the second year of CAP cuisine. She is also committed at Coussau, two-star restaurant in Magescq. Clémentine Coussau, second of cooking in the establishment and presented as "her mentor", accompanied her on the show. In the department that also saw the birth of Hélène Darroze, cooking is definitely a matter of lineage and … women. Camille to write the next chapters.

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