Visiting the UK, Trump torpedo Brexit's May project


US President to hold talks with British leader in a tense situation. Demonstrations are planned in London against him

 Donald and Melania Trump greeted on their arrival by Theresa May and her husband

Difficult to predict the tone of the meeting. After torpedoing on the night of Thursday 12 to Friday 13 July the project of the British leader of commercial relations with the European Union (EU) post-Brexit, the American president must hold talks with Theresa May.

"S they make such an agreement, we will deal with the EU instead of dealing with the United Kingdom " Trump told the tabloid The Sun, while M me May planned to take advantage of his official visit to the United Kingdom to advance discussions on the conclusion of a free trade agreement with Washington, after his country left the EU at the end of March 2019.

"This will probably kill the agreement" with the United States, Trump added, arrived in the United Kingdom on Thursday afternoon from Brussels, where he summoned his NATO partners to put more hand in hand with defense spending.

Before leaving the capital Belgian, he had made a first blow to the project of M May May, presented the same day, claiming "do not know" whether it corresponded to the vote of the British to leave the EU

Nor did he rule out meeting his "friend" Boris Johnson, a supporter of a hard Brexit, who slammed the door of the government earlier this week to protest against the plan of Mrs. May and which would, according to him, a "great prime minister" . "That says a lot about his personal preferences, and what kind of hard Brexit he wants to see the UK take the path" writes the daily The Guardian .

Institute a new "free trade area"

In Washington, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders attempted to downplay the impact of Trump's statements, baduring that the US president " love and respect a lot " M me May, since, she added to the press, " he said in his interview that she was " ] a very good person " and he never said anything nasty about it" .

The plan that M me May proposed to Brussels plans to maintain close links with the 27-member EU on trade in goods by introducing a new one " free trade area " based on a set of common rules on goods and the agri-food sector.

Mr. Trump's new exit is a particularly stark blow for Mr. me May that, Thursday evening, she vaunted the strength of the transatlantic link, seeing there an unprecedented chance .

The United States and the United Kingdom are not only ] "The closest allies, but also the most dear friends" she declared welcoming the American president and his wife, Melania Trump, for a dinner at the Blenheim Palace, a country residence near Oxford, where many representatives of the economic world were also invited.

On Friday morning, the two leaders meet to inspect the troops at the prestigious Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, before bilateral discussions and a lunch at Checkers, the country residence of British prime ministers, 70 km northwest of London. A joint press conference is then scheduled.

London demonstrations against Trump

 Demonstrations of discontent against the US president began on Thursday with a rally in front of the US ambbadador's residence in London. "Donald Trump is not welcome! The few hundred protesters gathered in front of the grates of Winfield House, located in Regent's Park, chanted the heart.

In addition to trade, the exchanges between Mr. Trump and M me May will focus on the Near East and Russia, while the first is about to meet his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, for the first time at a summit in Helsinki on Monday.

The President and his wife are then expected at the Windsor Palace 30 miles west of London to have tea with Elizabeth II.

This route will keep him away from the London protests against his coming, which should culminate in a rally of tens of thousands of people in Trafalgar Square to denounce the migration policy of Trump, his "badism" and his "denial" of climate change.

In the morning, a balloon ge representing a Donald Trump in a diaper will float in the London sky near Parliament.

Demonstrations of dissatisfaction against the American president started on Thursday with a rally in front of the residence of the American ambbadador in London. "Donald Trump is not welcome! " chanted in chorus the few hundred demonstrators gathered in front of the grates of Winfield House, located in Regent's Park.

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