visual fireworks that revive Johnny Depp


CRITICAL – Always signed David Yates, the second episode of saga is better than keeping its promises. Darker, mastered, visually flamboyant, this bewitched blockbuster located in the Paris of the 20s allows especially Johnny Depp to restore his crest of actor. In theaters on Wednesday, November 14th.

Two years ago, the Hollywood adaptation of Fantastic animals had revived the Harry Potter franchise. The fire had been reignited under the magic cauldron of JKRowling thanks to the magizoologist Norbert Dragonneau (perfect Eddie Raydmayne), sort hero traveler, a bit autistic and social, which carried a whole zoological world of strange creatures and exuberant in the double bottom of a suitcase. The first film had taken advantage of the imposing majesty of New York skyscrapers "Roaring twenties", and had in recent minutes presented a malevolent wizard named Gellert Grindelwald, appearing under the features of Johnny Depp.

READ ALSO – The magical world of J.K. Rowling settles in Paris to Fantastic Animals 2

«Some sequences in Père Lachaise's cemetery also use the aesthetics of fantastic films»

The sequel of the hectic adventures of Norbert Dragonneau takes the exact thread of the plot of the first film. The director David Yates, very comfortable in the universe of the magic "potterienne", puts in scene a mastered blockbuster, darker than the precedent, and especially visually flamboyant.

This time, the plot transports the viewer to Paris in 1927. That's why the world premiere of the film took place Thursday at UGC Bercy. The film, whose script is directly signed JKRowling sets up a gallery of new characters in the heart of a world of "muggle" and "non maj" (us poor humans) unaware that an otherwise powerful universe exists invisible and parallel way.

What David Yates orchestrates first and foremost, is a breathtakingly beautiful film, where he appropriates the codes of the main popular genres. We find as well the sacrosanct attack of diligence expensive westerns, as the frenetic pursuit races in Paris in the manner of a thriller. Some sequences in Père Lachaise's cemetery also use the aesthetics of fantasy or science fiction films.

What is especially of interest to Crimes of GrindelwaldThese are the well-written scores of characters like the young Albus Dumbledore, incarnated with conviction by Jude Law. Suave, mysterious, attentive, powerful but with smiling restraint, the actor slips with ease in this iconic role.

"Johnny Depp has this power of incarnation, and redeems himself after a series of minor films, having run his career adrift"

But whoever gets the lion's share is Johnny Depp. This second episode of Fantastic animals Above all, this great Hollywood smitten, to restore his role as an actor, thanks to the character of dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald, as frightening as seductive and charismatic. If we meet at the turn of the adventure the famous French alchemist Nicolas Flamel (played by Brontis Jodorowsky, which makes sense since it is the son of Jodorowsky, the director of The sacred mountain), the dark wizard Grindelwald recalls in many ways another enigmatic character, having marked the imagination of the English, Sir Aleister Crawley, character supposedly able to invoke the demonic forces.

Johnny Depp possesses this power of incarnation, and redeems himself a conduct after a series of minor films, having led his career adrift. Real visual fireworks, Fantastic Animals: The Crimes of Grindelwald risk of establishing itself as one of the best blockbusters of the year 2018 after Mission: Impossible fall out, which was also happening … in Paris!

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