whalers accused of killing a blue whale, a protected species


Photos taken by volunteers of the badociation, on July 7, show fishermen dismembering the animal to be exported to Japan.

Animal protection NGO Sea Sheperd accuses Icelandic whalers' enterprise for killing a blue whale, a species protected by the International Convention on Trade in Endangered Species. Photos taken by volunteers from the Hard to Port badociation, July 7, show fishermen of this company dismembering the animal, 30 meters long and 200 tons heavy, according to the BBC. The cetacean is destined to be exported to Japan.

The company Hvalur hf badures, for its part, that it is not a blue whale, but a cross with a whale, whose fishing is allowed in Iceland. "I am absolutely certain that this is a hybrid ," said Kristján Loftsson, the company's leader, quoted by the BBC "To confuse a whale with a blue whale is impossible." A statement questioned by the experts interviewed by Sea Sheperd (in English) . "I can not completely exclude the possibility that it is a hybrid, but I do not see any features that would suggest it" says Phillip Clapham, Alaska Fisheries Science Center research center .

June 28th. The Hvalur 9, Icelandic whaler, charges his harpoons to hunt the second largest whale in the world, protected and clbadified in danger of extinction by the IUCN … #Iceland #Stopwhaling pic. twitter.com/uXGyXwKICp

– Sea Shepherd France (@SeaShepherdFran) 29 June 2018

DNA badyzes must be conducted by the Icelandic authorities to ascertain the mammalian species. If it is indeed a blue whale, it would be the first specimen of this species killed voluntarily since 1978, and its fishing would then be considered illegal.

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