What to remember from the speech of Mohammed VI


U n total change. On the occasion of the 19th e celebration of the feast of the throne, King Mohammed VI delivered, on July 29, a speech at the antipodes of the one read a year earlier. On this occasion, the sovereign had severely reprimanded the political clbad, accused of " renunciation ". This time it is a king "proud" of recent developments that cross the Kingdom and resolutely turned towards the future that has addressed the nation. Return to the salient points of a throne speech as a program of economic and social development

A call to unity

Testimony of the appeasement of Mohammed VI: his message addressed to the political clbad. Vilipendés a year earlier, political parties " strive " from now on " to perform their task to the best of their ability ," the king said in his speech. The political clbad of the Kingdom is also advised by the sovereign who invites them to " renew their methods of work and renovate their modes of operation" . A revival that could be embodied in the integration of " new elites " and " young people " in the political action suggests Mohammed VI.

This last recalls however that it is expected " of the different political and partisan bodies that they are receptive to the grievances of the citizens, that they interact without delay with the events and the evolutions of the society" . A reference to the recent boycott movement that has placed the Moroccan citizen at the heart of political action. His place, as well as his role in the politics of the Kingdom, are widely evoked in the royal discourse, and particularly through the prism of the link between the monarchical institution and the mutual fidelity of " ] unity »national.

A unit which, according to Mohammed VI, allowed Morocco to overcome" the difficulties encountered "in the face of" negativists, nihilists and other merchants. "illusions" having used " the pretext of certain dysfunctions to attack the security and stability of Morocco or to depreciate its achievements and achievements" . Words spoken since Al Hoceima nearly a month after the conviction of 53 militants of Hirak, accused in particular of " attack on the security of the State ".

Response to social demands [19659003WhilemostofthedemandsoftheRifprotestmovementwereofasocialnaturethekingalsooutlinedavastsocialreformprojectfortheentirenationalterritoryIfhewelcomesthe" achievements accomplished" during the two decades of his reign, Mohammed VI nevertheless recognizes " that something continues to fail us in social matters", while recalling that this led him to call for the renewal of the model of national development.

To remedy this " social deficit" the king points first to the scattering of support and social protection programs between different ministries and other public departments. And to launch an appeal to the government and the " set of actors concerned " to reform in a way " global " and " deep ", the programs and social protection support policies

As part of this restructuring, the sovereign suggests ways of reform. The first is the acceleration of the establishment of the Single Social Register (RSU). The RSU " will serve as a complete database that will consolidate the economic and social data of citizens and families ", said in February Saad Eddine El Othmani to define this project to allow supervise the distribution of direct aids and trigger the decompensation of raw materials. In January, the Minister of General Affairs, Lahcen Daoudi, said that this project should be ready by 2020.

Without giving more details, Mohammed VI recommends giving " a vigorous impetus " schooling support programs, including the Tayssir program for financial badistance for schooling. An approach aimed at " easing the burden borne by families ". This " impulse " could also allow the support of the generalization of preschool that Mohammed VI recently erected to " priority for the state and families ".

In As part of these social reforms, the sovereign also calls on the Development Initiative to refocus on "the development of human capital, the promotion of the condition of the rising generations, the support of categories in difficult situations". While initiating " a new generation of income-generating and employment initiatives" as part of the launch of its third phase. RAMED, whose targeting was recently criticized by the National Observatory for Human Development (ONDH), will have to correct the anomalies that taint the implementation of the Medical Coverage Program.

The economy as a social engine [19659003] Although Mohammed VI suggests several lines of social reform, he nevertheless considers that " the supreme form of social protection is that which involves the creation of productive jobs ", and the King also provides avenues for, inter alia, improving investment. To do so, the sovereign evokes three major projects for which, testifying to their importance, he sets deadlines.

The first: that of the Charter of administrative deconcentration, which he had already mentioned at the opening of the legislature last October and which is supposed to go " together with the project of advanced regionalization". The text promised by the head of government, before the end of 2017, has still not been adopted and must in particular allow to define the different levels of intervention of each of the administrations at the regional level for the purpose improve governance at the local level. This will have to be adopted before the end of next October, according to the sovereign.

Mohammed VI also suggests an acceleration of the reform of the Regional Investment Centers which will have to allow the regrouping of the committees concerned by the investment in a unified regional commission to " put an end to the blockages and pretexts invoked by certain ministerial departments."

In this sense, the king advocates the adoption of legal texts setting a deadline of one month to certain administrations to answer the requests which are addressed to them in the field of the investment. A reform that aims to allow a " renewed economic dynamism [et le] renewal of business culture and optimal exploitation of the many badets offered by Morocco." This track of reform will make it possible to gain places in the Kingdom in the ranking Doing Business, where it is currently at 69 e rank. Especially since the sovereign makes clear reference to the " stakes of the international competition and, even sometimes, of those of the economic and commercial wars" .

So many challenges which are the stake of all since, as Mohammed VI affirms: " It is together again that we will be able to meet the new challenges and concretize the aspirations that we hold dear.

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