What you surely did not know about Scrabble


"Word count triple!" Scrabble, this word lover game, is celebrating its 70th birthday this year. In Paris, the event is celebrated this weekend at the Forum des Halles through a journey of discovery.

On this occasion, France Inter asked a young Scrabble champion, responsible for the communication of the French Federation, the best words to garner a maximum of points at the beginning of the game.

Answer: The most profitable words are "whiskeys" and "whiskeys" because they have three ten-point letters. In total, they are each worth 144 points of their use. "Oxydiez" will bring you 140 points and "jukebox", "jockeys" and "kwanzas" 138 points. Note that this last word does not necessarily come to mind immediately: it is the plural of the official currency of Angola … Like others, it is probably known that enthusiasts of this game, which cajol their official dictionary of Scrabble, edited by Larousse.

A game born in the United States

The Scrabble brand was registered in 1948 in New York. But its creator Alfred Butts began to develop it well before. The grid, for example, was installed in 1938. Over the decades, many variants of Scrabble have been created: for travel, for the visually impaired, for children, and even a chocolate edition was found in 2004.

It is marketed in 121 countries, and translated into 36 languages.

In France, the Scrabble Federation has no less than 18,000 members, 700 clubs. His monthly magazine has 5200 subscribers.

More than 250 00 Scrabble games are sold each year in France.

Scrabble was the subject of a skit by Pierre Palmade, now cult.

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