When Vanessa Paradis was afraid that getting married would "make everything mess"


Getting married, Vanessa Paradis has just taken the plunge at age 45. A few years ago, she confided in Marie-Claire and evoked why she had little to take the step …

Despite fourteen years with Johnny Depp, Vanessa Paradis had never taken the step: to pbad in front of the Mayor . Five years after their separation Vanessa Paradis found love with director and writer Samuel Benchétrit. Their marriage was celebrated on June 30, in a small committee, at Saint Simeon, where his father lived.

At the time, in couple with Johnny Depp, the actress confided on this choice in the columns of Marie-Claire "I'm afraid it will be messed up! I am not against marriage, on the contrary: to bear the same name, I find it very beautiful. That would please my mother, besides! (Laughs.) But I've seen so many couples get married – often as a sign of confirmation – and then quickly separate. Maybe after twenty-five years, I will be less afraid and I will get married.

A premonitory sentence since at 45, Vanessa Paradis has taken the step, under the eyes of her daughter Lily Rose … mother and daughter united. As for Samuel Benchertrit, his happiness was a pleasure to see on the steps of the town hall. His friends Mathieu Chedid and Raphael were at his side for this moment of emotion.

Photo credits: BEST IMAGE

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