Where did Vanessa Paradis and Samuel Benchetrit spend their wedding night?


Vanessa Paradis and Samuel Benchetrit were married Saturday, June 30 in Saint-Siméon, Seine-et-Marne. After the wedding, where did the star couple spend the night? The answer is surprising …

Saturday, June 30, Vanessa Paradis and Samuel Benchetrit took France by surprise by marrying, against all-expectations, at a ceremony held in small committee in Saint-Siméon, Seine -et-Marne. Fifty guests were present: the family, including Lily-Rose Depp, the daughter of the actress, friends, but also some stars like Matthieu Chedid and Raphaël, two close to the bride and groom. A very special celebration for the couple, whose romance sparkled on the film set Dog since it was the first wedding for Lily-Rose and Jack's mom , fruits of his love with Johnny Depp. Samuel Benchetrit, meanwhile, was getting married for the second time – he had married Marie Trintignant in 1998, mother of his son Jules, born the same year.

After the beautiful wedding of Vanessa Paradis and Samuel Benchetrit, where the couple did he spend his wedding night? Did the lovebirds fly to a heavenly destination, to party on the other side of the globe? That nenni, according to information published by Paris Match this Wednesday, July 4, the couple spent the night that followed the marriage at the mother of the interpreter of Divine idyll . " A country weekend ", specifies the weekly. Life is made of simple pleasures, as we say, Vanessa Paradis and Samuel Benchetrit can not contradict the adage.


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