Who is Aina Kuric, MP LREM, who said no to the asylum-immigration bill?


Aina Kuric, MP LREM, became in forty-eight hours the new "rebellious" for voting against the asylum-immigration bill on the night of Thursday to Friday, exposing herself to an exclusion of the majority group in accordance with the discipline established by its president Richard Ferrand ("abstention, venial sin, vote against, mortal sin").

The elected of the Marne, who had already abstained in first reading, had denounced Thursday in the hemicycle the adaptation of the right soil to Mayotte, seeing "a false solution."

In a public statement, she explained that "with regard to [ses] personal convictions, [elle] decided your against this text". She stressed:
"I will be very attentive to the upcoming legislative developments that will deal with the conditions of integration.This vote does not in any way restore my attachment to the Republic in March and its parliamentary group in the National Assembly."

She ensures, again Saturday, have had no contact since with his parliamentary group. He will meet on Tuesday to decide the future of Aina Kuric within the majority.


On the march since the first hour, Aina Kuric, 31 years old, had so far had little talk of her. His profile was a perfect illustration of what Emmanuel Macron's movement wanted to put forward during the legislative elections: young and from civil society. One of his Macronian comrades defends himself:

"She is a pure walker: she represents the DNA of our movement, to exclude her from the group because she voted conscience on a an extremely sensitive text would be an unfair decision. "

Before becoming a Member of Parliament in 2017, beating a deeply rooted member of parliament in Reims, Catherine Vautrin (LR-UDI), Aina Kuric was a novice in politics. Self-entrepreneur, after studying in hospitality-catering, she visited champagne cellars to foreign tourists. In L'Express who had made her portrait last April, she said:

"I got up in the morning, I did not feel like going to work, I got up and I left with pleasure, I going to meet new people from completely different backgrounds, there could be 4-5 different countries in the same group, and it was just fun, sharing, exchange. "
" C ' is still a sacrifice to leave a profession pbadion like that […] There today, the one who tells you that it is pleasure, he lies to you a little anyway. "


She explained then do not be comfortable with the asylum-immigration bill:

"Today, it is really important to be able to better manage flows, but forget that they are not flows, that funds managed by departments, that it is not only legal texts, are men, women, children, families, who are in distress. "

Last June, she responded to Friday's Weekly:

"I have a problem with the basis of this bill, which talks about the right of asylum and immigration, which has almost nothing to do! "People who flee the war to escape death must be greeted unconditionally.
What bothers me is that we create more conditions for refusing to accommodate, we need to improve reception conditions, I do not want to be welcomed any more, I want to be welcomed better. "

Born in Creil (Oise), d Malagasy, Aina Kuric is also very interested in the suburbs. She joined the group "political district of the city" formed by LREM deputies. She, who said she suffered discrimination in hiring, when sending CVs, said Emmanuel Macron's "suburb plan" was consistent despite the dismay of social actors in the neighborhoods.

Aina Kuric says she follows her personal convictions. In June, she still hoped that the immigration asylum bill could be further amended. Asked about the political risk she had taken in abstaining the first time, she badured:

"The risk is to no longer be in phase with oneself and vote a text to which We do not believe, I'm always loyal to the band, but I think we have to warn them when we think we can do better. "

In April, Jean-Michel Clément announced that on leave from the LREM group after voting against the asylum-immigration text at first reading, the only one in this case. This ex-PS now sits in the non-registered.

The asylum-immigration text must be the subject of a final vote on August 1, last day of extraordinary session, after a final shuttle with the Senate. [19659022] The Obs ” clbad=”img-profil”/>

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