Who will be the winner of the competition of the first youth novel 2018? – Children


In partnership with Gallimard and RTL, "Télérama" organizes in this year 2018 the Contest of the first youth novel. Launched last January, the contest enters its second phase: Sarah Andrès, Kamel Benaouda and Mathilde Tournier are the finalists.

The dice are thrown. The new edition of the contest for the first youth novel organized by Gallimard Jeunesse in partnership with Télérama and RTL, launched at the beginning of the year by a call for manuscripts, is entering its second phase. The reading committee of Gallimard Jeunesse has just chosen three finalists from the 924 manuscripts received. After Christelle Dabos author of The Pbade-miroir formidable success of bookstore, and Lucie Pierrat-Pajot who is about to publish the third volume of Mysteries of Larispem who will be the future winner of the concours?

The jury composed of publishers, journalists, booksellers, authors and bloggers will have to choose among the three selected texts:

"In the electric city", by Sarah Andrès

Sarah Andrès is 30 years old and lives in Paris, where she is preparing to defend a thesis on ancient sculpture.

Prisoners in the parallel world of Londonium, three children try to discover the truth about their missing parents. A club of strange scientists will help them. A story of wonderful adventures in a retro-futuristic London

"Norman has no superpower", Kamel Benaouda

Settled with his family in the region of Angers, Kamel Benaouda is old 36 years old and teacher of modern letters

In Norman's world, everyone has a super-power … except Norman. With the help of his friends, he will try to make him believe that he is no different from others. A story that combines action and irony to say adolescence.

"The Revolt of Athens" by Mathilde Tournier

Journalist and great traveler, Mathilde Tournier lives in Albi, her hometown.

In 404 BC, Sparta imposed on Athens a bloody tyranny. The young Heraclios will take up arms to try to liberate his people. Inspired by a historical episode, an adventure novel that is also an initiatory quest.

What now? Once the winner is appointed by the jury, it will be accompanied in the finalization of his manuscript. And his name will be revealed the day of the publication of his novel, November 29, 2018, as part of the Youth Book Fair in Montreuil. Télérama will then publish his portrait. Patience …

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