Yann Moix: left by his girlfriend, he found comfort with Christine Angot


According to Yann Moix, Christine Angot would not be that cold person she embodies on the set of On is not lying. Interviewed by Le Parisien, the future chronicler of the Saturday Terrans remembered the time when his colleague had cheered him up after a difficult break.

Christine Angot is apparently stronger to listen than to speak. The writer who has multiplied the clashes in the last season of We are not lying will find the set of the show of France 2 next year. At his side, it is no longer Yann Moix who will officiate but a new kid, Charles Consigny. While waiting to discover this new duet every Saturday evening, the nostalgic of Yann Moix will have the pleasure of finding the old protégé of Laurent Ruquier the time of an interview for Le Parisien.

The director of Podium returns on the adventure One is not lying but also evokes his future on C8 in Hi the Terrans fame the next year The Terrans of Saturday . A new position more in line with what he likes: "I will return to the highlights of the week. In We're Not Sleeping, I had to comment on books that I would not have read without the show, movies I would not have seen. There, I will speak only subjects which interest me ".

>>> VIDEO Laurent Baffie dézingue Christine Angot in front of Yann Moix

If it is turned towards the future, Yann Moix has not forgotten to have a note for his former colleagues. He who remained three seasons on the set of Laurent Ruquier badyzed the failure of Vanessa Burggraf, who "had a difficult year" because she did not listen to the advice of his colleague: "Never type your name on Google" . The journalist "spent her days" and was "grinded" unlike the one that succeeded him, Christine Angot.

Even more contentious than her predecessor, the novelist has held up well over the broadcasts, despite the stormy pecking with several guests. Contrary to appearances, Christine Angot is a person "extremely easygoing" . Yann Moix was able to realize when he was at the worst. During the shooting of Re-Calais his documentary on the migrants of Calais broadcasted in June on Arte, the chronicler burned out

>>> Christine Angot: considered as the "clash machine" of On is not lying, it counter-attacks

"Upset and overwhelmed" by the situation of these men and women, Yann Moix has lost foot: "My body let go of me and my girlfriend left me" . A blow that he was able to overcome thanks to Christine Angot: "If you have a heartbreak, Christine Angot stops everything for you. She can spend 2:30 listening to you and talking with incredible intelligence. It happened to me and there was a before and after this conversation ".

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