"You do not touch me": an American waitress puts down a customer after a hand on the buttocks – 22/07/2018



 "You do not touch me": an American waitress puts down a customer after a hand on the bad - YouTube video screen shot

"You do not touch me": an American waitress drops a customer after a hand on the bad

In a Georgia bar, in the United States, a man was filmed handing the bad of a waitress. This one immediately defended itself by catching it by the neck. The video of this scene became viral on YouTube.

The reaction of the young woman is the buzz on the internet. It must be said that Emilia Holden, 21 years old, did not let herself go when a man badually badaulted her in Savannah on July 19th. A customer with wandering hands has indeed benefited that the waitress has his back turned to touch her bad, as shown in the images of CCTV. Very angry, the young woman immediately jumped on her attacker, grabbed him by his T-shirt and threw him on a chair.

"I looked into his eyes and I said to him: "You do not touch me, dirty son of p ***!" I did not even think, I just acted. I do not know how I did to act like that. I never did that before, "Emilia Holden told the newspaper People . "I'm glad other women see this and know we can defend ourselves. We have the right to wear what we want without having to worry about being tampered with " she added.

Interpelled by the police, the client initially denied the facts. But he was detained after law enforcement watched the video surveillance footage. He was finally released after paying $ 2,500 bail.

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