You'll never guess who you're falling into by typing "idiot" in Google


Donald Trump loves to be talked about. That's good, he now has his own word on Google. If you're having fun typing "idiot" into the search engine, you should enjoy an badortment of phrases, in pictures, from the President of the United States. Head of Fake News, smile with thumbs up or photomontages less praise … everything is there. And the phenomenon lasts for several hours without Google seems eager to put an end to it.

American Idiot

Hacking, bad joke or political message of Google? The reason for this confusion is actually much more anecdotal. Last week in London, while Donald Trump was on a state visit – standing out for his inappropriate behavior towards Prime Minister Theresa May or Queen Elizabeth II – demonstrators decided to broadcast music American Idiot of Green Day as a sign of recognition. An event widely relayed in the press and which did not go unnoticed for Google's algorithm.


To highlight the phenomenon, opponents of Donald Trump had the idea to publish Reddit posts in which the word "idiot" was badociated with images of the 45 th President of the United States. By putting thumbs up to these photos, users have made them go up in Google at the top of the results. Since then, the phenomenon of "Google Bombing" continues and the media articles (like the one you are currently reading) only strengthen it.

What is Google doing?

On social networks, some people wonder how Google can let the president of the largest nation in the world be insulted for so long without intervening. Some people suspect the company will let it go, but it's simply not in its habit to intervene.

As The Guardian notes, Google does not like to play God and has often let go Abominations in his results. Antisemitic, racist montages … The word "rapist" was often badociated with Bill Clinton while monkey photos accompanied the search for "Michelle Obama" a few years ago. Google did not intervene, and let the effects of the algorithm dissipate.

How long before a return to normal? No doubt the anti-Trump will afford the pleasure of feeding the algorithm as long as possible. Especially since, knowing his habits, the president himself could very well react on Twitter and feed Google.

The Guardian

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