Friday the 13th, the full moon rises this year for the first time since 2000


The full moon closest to the autumn equinox is called the harvest moon. In 2019, the harvest moon rises on the night of September 13 to Friday July 13.

It is rare to see a full moon rise on Friday the 13th. The last full moon on Friday the 13th occurred in October 2000, according to AccuWeather, and this will not happen again until August 2049.

The harvest moon gets its name because it is at this time of year that farmers have started harvesting. Before there were tractor lights, farmers used the full moon light to help them see the night.

Around this time of year, the moon normally starts to rise at dusk. If you catch the moon when it rises from the horizon, it will appear larger than normal due to an optical illusion. It could even appear as an orange color due to the thickest atmosphere on the horizon.

Most of the Americas will have the harvest moon on Friday the 13th, but other parts of the world will see it on September 14th.

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