From 100 pounds to 72 pounds healthy, weight loss of this type is absolutely amazing!


Taking our health and our body for granted is one of the most common mistakes we all make. Something similar happened with Shiv Seth, 42, a business man by profession. His smoking and drinking habits, combined with a really unhealthy lifestyle, put him in a situation where the future began to look really dark. Fearing for his life, he decided to restore his health with the help of his family. From the weight of 100 kilos to the loss of 28 kilos and the fitness, the story of Shiv is a source of inspiration.

First name: Shiv Seth

Occupation: Business man

Age: 42 years old

Highest weight recorded: 100 kg

Lost weight 28 kg

Duration that it took me to lose weight: 12 months

Turning: I was in such a terrible state that I could not sleep at night because I could hear my heart beating wildly. I visited a doctor to have it checked, where he suggested several tests. My blood pressure, my heart rate and my cholesterol levels were very high and I was also advised to lose weight. That's why I decided that doing enough was enough and that I really had to change my life.

From 100 pounds to 72 pounds healthy, weight loss of this type is absolutely amazing!

My breakfast: 6 egg whites, 1 whey protein ball and a bowl of oats.

My lunch: 1 bowl of daal, 3 chapatis, green vegetables and a small portion of rice.

My dinner: 6 egg whites and 1 bowl of daal.

I'm going to: I love to gorge myself with aalu ka parantha, aalu tikki, pizzas and all types of street food.

My training: I train 6 days a week. It consists of 2 kilometers of running and 1 kilometer of jogging. I also do 90 minutes of strength training.

Low calorie recipes I swear by: I love egg whites and grilled chicken.

Fitness Secrets, I unveiled: I am the mantra – Himmat is nahin, zidd is hoga (losing weight does not require courage, but a total stubbornness). Changes do not happen overnight, so you have to be patient. Second, you must follow your calories daily.

How to stay motivated? I make sure to stay focused and always keep in mind my ultimate goal. Plus, when I stand in front of the mirror and see the results myself, it's really motivating.

How do you make sure you do not lose focus? I make sure to stay in touch with people with similar fitness goals. I click religiously on the images, both, before and after my workout. Whenever I feel that I lose the thread, I take a look at my old photographs, which reminds me that I still have a long way to go. In the end, it depends on your will, which means that I do not give in to temptations and I do not lose sight of the physical that I want to achieve.

What is the most difficult part of being overweight? Any excess weight has made me feel really sad and depressed. It was also heartbreaking to see people fit and muscular, while I could not even get clothes to my size.

What form do you see yourself in 10 years? I want to be the best version of myself, physically and mentally.

What lifestyle changes did you make? I turned my life to 180 degrees. I stopped smoking and drastically reduced the consumption of alcohol. In addition, I started looking for what gave me new confidence.

What was the lowest point for you? I started to suffer from insomnia and so I kept turning and turning back all night in bed. Moreover, my heart was beating fast at night, which terrified me.

If you also have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at [email protected]


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