From Russia with thrusters – The New York Times


BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan – More than half a century ago, the launch site was the first place to send humans into space. It's still our main way to the skies, at least for the moment.

As these photos suggest, the weather has since put a couple of wrinkles on the gigantic cosmodrome of Baikonur, located 1300 km southeast of Moscow.

It was in Baikonur that the Soviets launched Sputnik in 1957, shocking America and starting the race to space. The United States has been working hard to catch up and eventually overtake the Soviet agenda. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin left Baikonur for a single Earth orbit.

Today, Russians, Americans and travelers from other countries are teaming up for missions launched from the site of Baikonur, described by Vladimir V. Putin six years ago as "physically aged". , visits and even an opportunity to take a flight in weightlessness.


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