“Galactus is coming! Mysterious ‘heartbeat’ detected in cosmic cloud


If you thought the internet was panicking over Annabelle escaping from her occult museum (he didn’t), wait until you know her reaction to Galactus en route.
Social networks have exploded under the cries of “Galactus!” – the Marvel Comics villain who consumes the planet – on Monday, when news of a heartbeat was detected in a mysterious cloud of cosmic gas 15,000 light years from Earth in the designated S 433 system.

“The cloud – which is otherwise unremarkable – appears to ‘beat’ with the rhythm of a nearby black hole, the researchers say. As such, they appear to be connected to each other, the researchers write in a new journal,” according to The Independent. “But it is not known how the cloud’s gamma ray ‘heartbeat’ may be connected to the black hole, which is 100 light years away.”

While the actual science behind what could be causing the mysterious heartbeat is less fantastic than Galactus, that hasn’t stopped Twitter from exclaiming that Marvel’s cosmic supervillain was set to make 2020. an even more terrible year.

Here is a handful of “Galactus!” answers:

Although depicted in Marvel Comics as an armored humanoid form the size of a planet, Galactus was infamously portrayed as a sentient cloud entity in the 2007 film Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

Look, it could always be worse than Galactus. It could be Green Lantern’s giant Parallax diarrhea space cloud.

But, really, what’s the deal with this cloud? One theory about this “heartbeat” is that the rhythm is related to the matter removed by the black hole from the giant star orbiting it, the matter being thrown at high speed in two narrow jets.“Finding such an unambiguous connection by synchronization, about 100 light years from the micro quasar, not even in the direction of the jets is as unexpected as it is amazing,” said researcher Jian Li. “But how the black hole can fuel the heartbeat of the gas cloud is not clear to us. “

For more on the classic villain, who ranked # 17 on our list of Marvel’s 25 Best Villains, find out why Galactus shouldn’t be the MCU’s next big villain.

The 25 best Marvel villains


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