Galileo Project: Scientists Search for Signs of Alien Technology | Space


A team of scientists will embark on a new international research project led by Harvard University to seek evidence of alien life by looking for cutting-edge technology it may leave behind.

The Galileo project is led by Harvard astronomy professor Avi Loeb. Loeb co-founded the project with Frank Laukien, CEO of Bruker Corporation, a Massachusetts-based science equipment maker.

“Given the recently discovered abundance of Earth-Sun systems, the Galileo project is dedicated to the proposition that humans can no longer ignore the possible existence of extraterrestrial technological civilizations (ETC),” the team said in a press release Monday.

The project follows last month’s report by the U.S. government on a number of unidentified aerial phenomena that were reported by Navy personnel and Oumuamua, a pancake-shaped interstellar object that entered the solar system in 2017. Oumuamua was unlike any previously observed comet or asteroid. and in turn sparked debate among astronomers regarding its true origin.

According to the Galileo project team, “Oumuamua has been shown to have very anomalous properties that defy well-understood natural explanations.” “We can only speculate… by extending our imagination to ‘Oumuamua’ possibly being an alien technological object, similar to a light sail or a very thin communication antenna,” he added.

Rather than looking for electromagnetic signals, the Galileo project will look for physical objects associated with extraterrestrial technological equipment, also known as technosignatures.

The project will follow three major lines of research: obtaining high-resolution images of UAP using multi-detector sensors to discover their nature, researching and carrying out in-depth research on “Oumuamua-type” interstellar objects, and searching for ETC satellites potentials.

“It is very important to keep in mind that the Galileo project is not for everything, and it is not for everyone,” Laukien said. “It has a definite scope and limits,” he added, referring to the project’s goal of exploring only known physical explanations rather than speculating on previous NAPs, alleged sightings and informal reports. .

“We want to dispel the fog through transparent and scientific analysis by bringing together our own data, not data based on government-owned sensors, as most of that data is classified,” Laukien said.

Currently, the team is selecting the instruments they plan to purchase and plans to set up dozens of telescope systems around the world. Each system will consist of approximately two 25-centimeter (10-inch) telescopes with a camera adapted to detect objects of interest, connected to a computer system that will filter the data.

“We expect to get some interesting results in the coming year, hopefully,” Loeb said at a recent press conference.

The project, named after Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, known for his pioneering use of telescopes, is committed to “daring to look through new telescopes, literally and figuratively”.


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