Gallup poll: less than half the chance of complying with COVID-19 lockdown


Americans are less likely to comply with another coronavirus lockdown than they were in the spring, with less than half saying in a new survey that they would be very likely to stay home this time around Here, according to a new Gallup poll released as the number of cases skyrocketing across the country.

In the poll, conducted between October 19 and November 1, 49% of respondents said they would be very likely to stay home for a month if recommended after an outbreak in their communities, CNN reports. This is down from 67% in the spring.

Another 18% said they were somewhat likely to comply, but a third said they would not be likely to obey lockdown orders.

Americans are also increasingly concerned about the pandemic, and the results for those willing to stay at home lie in a political divide:

  • 61% say they believe the situation is getting worse, compared to 40% in April.
  • 40% of Republicans polled said they were prepared to comply with a stay-at-home order, up from 74% in the spring.
  • 87% of Democrats said they were likely to comply, down slightly from 91% in March and April.

However, more people said they were confident in their ability to not get infected, with 82% saying they were confident in their ability to stay healthy, up from 64% in March.

Meanwhile, the number of people wearing masks has risen sharply. Only about half of Americans said in April they wore masks, just after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggested they wear them. Now 88% said they wear masks, after that number rose to 92% in July.

The poll also found that fewer Americans engage in extreme social distancing than they were in the spring:

  • 38% say they isolate themselves completely or largely from non-members of the household, below the peak of 75% recorded in the spring.
  • 27% said they partially isolate themselves or have contact with others.
  • 35% said they only isolate a little or make no attempt to isolate themselves.

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