Game of Thrones Sansa: Game of Thrones fans discover a mysterious face behind Sansa Stark in new teaser pictures


Warning: "Game of Thrones" spoils forward.

The army of the dead King of the Nights is at the gates of Winterfell – and the fate of almost all the main characters could be at stake in the episode of Sunday's "Game of Thrones". So when HBO has released six new teaser images, fans have searched for any clues that they might find, with a photo of Sophie Turner's Sansa Stark drawing the eyes of many.

At first glance, the picture simply shows Sansa sitting in a dimly lit area, wearing a winter cape and looking away. However, some Twitter users have pointed to what appears to be a face in the background, between two draped fabrics hanging overhead.

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"EW has new photos for the next episode of GoT and WHO IS THIS BEHIND SANSA ???" author writing Alexandra Bracken on Twitter Wednesday. "I do not imagine that face that I am ??"

While the possible face scares some fans, others make assumptions about the potential identity of this mysterious character, many users guessing that Littlefinger, aka Petyr Baelish, is portrayed by Aidan Gillen. Baelish was killed by Sansa Williams' sister, Arya Strark, in the seventh season of the series, reports Entertainment Tonight.

"I convince myself that the person behind Sansa is a little finger, but it's an extra or something more ….", wrote a Twitter user @ lannisterj. "I'm clinging to this theory that it's not so dead!"

Others seemed a little more stressed about his appearance, using memes to deal with the possibility that one of the most hated characters in the series was making his comeback. "People: it looks like Littlefinger behind Sansa Me:" tweeted the user @queerantanist with an image of what appears to be a work of art, edited with sweat.

However, other users seem to think that the possible face is only an accident that resulted in the final cut. "Is it just me who thinks that terrifying face behind Sansa in the new still is just an extra that's not used to not looking at the camera," wrote Twitter user @ alaynestoned.

While this image generates buzzHBO also released five more photos teasing the upcoming episode. One of the images shows Sansa and Arya looking at each other in what appears to be an outdoor setting.

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Others show the beloved, and recently Knighted, Brienne of Tarth, played by Gwendoline Christie, and his not so secret love at first sight Jaime Lannister, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. The duo looks terrified by the naked swords and their warriors behind them.

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Another photo that worries fans shows Jon Snow of Kit Harington, exhausted and covered in mud.

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While the photos can give a small glimpse of the third episode of the series last season, fans will have to wait until the long-awaited payment falls Sunday night.


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