Game of Thrones season 8 first pool of death: Yara and Tormund are in danger


The biggest question of Game of thrones'Final season is who will sit on the iron throne when the show is over. Fans have a lot of their own assumptions, intuitions and theories about who will win. But to ascend the throne is not done in a vacuum; for someone to get up, others will have to fall and, well, die.

Game of thrones I have never hesitated to kill characters in a shocking and heartbreaking way (RIP of some of my personal favorites, Oberyn Martell and the kindly King Renly). But season eight could have the largest number of deaths so far, with Night King's army marching south and an inevitable confrontation between Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister.

With so many characters in the mix, it is natural to wonder who will live and who will die by the end of the eighth season, based on what we have seen so far. So here's our assessment of the first, with regard to characters who are currently safe, those who are not, and those who must keep an eye open at all times.

Here is who is safe

Most of the main characters: Game of thronesThe seventh season has eliminated many important but not quite major characters, including Sand Snakes, Olenna Tyrell and two or three Tarlys. He also put the pieces in place to streamline the action in two locations: Winterfell and King's Landing. As season eight begins, it is in Winterfell that Daenerys Targaryen and his armed army of dragons are led, along with Jon Snow, to join the Starks and meet against the king of the night.

Cersei Lannister and his allies, including Euron Greyjoy, ended season seven either at King's Landing or en route. Thus, most of the main actors are fairly protected, whether in Winterfell or elsewhere.

We also know that Cersei is lying about sending troops into the North to reinforce Winterfell's defenses and that his real plan is to hit Daenerys' army and the Starks after fighting and getting weakened by the White Walkers. It is unlikely that a major character will die in the first, simply because everyone is far away from each other and no one is engaged in the White Walker army at the moment.

Jaime Lannister is one of the main characters to watch. He is trekking north of King's Landing to Winterfell to fight the White Walkers alongside Dany and the Starks, a move that will surely irritate his sister.

Moreover, it is unlikely that Jaime's reception at Winterfell would be particularly warm and comfortable, since he and Bran both know that it was Jaime who pushed Bran next to a tower and wounded him permanent throughout the first season. And Bran's brothers and sisters will not be happy with Jaime if they find out.

Here is who is in danger

Tormund Giantsbane: Tormund, the ginger, warrior of the free folk folk bearded from our heart, was at the Wall when the Night King attacked and shot him with his zombie dragon at the blue fire. He's probably alive, because we did not see him die on the screen – but he did not come out of the forest, because he's close to the king's walking forces at night.

Yara Greyjoy: In the final of season seven, Yara was carrying Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes to Dorne when her uncle, Euron Greyjoy, launched a surprise attack on her fleet. Euron killed two of the sand snakes and brought Ellaria and her daughter Tyene to Cersei, also killed them. But he captured Yara and is currently holding her prisoner. This could be the staging of his death on the screen, or a dramatic rescue.

Game of thrones The first season of the eighth is airing on Sunday, April 14 at 9 pm on HBO.


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