Game of Thrones Season 8: Internet reacts to the absolute carnage in episode 5



The mad queen?


It's a high and low season for Game of Thrones. A dragon was killed in a way that frustrated and upset everyone, everyone became extremely angry when Jon Snow did not like Ghost then internet found a cup of coffee on the set and went crazy.

This episode was all about crazy carnage.

OK, it goes without saying but …

It started early with the Varys fire. And the combustion has not stopped.

The question was simple: was Dany on the brink of becoming the crazy queen or was it just a big mistake?

Yes, they answered definitively.

Daenerys Targaryen has essentially fired King's Landing. The Bells asked to surrender but Dany was not trying to hear that noise.

Yes, Dany practically burned everything and killed thousands of people. I do not know if King's Landing, as we knew, still exists.

It's a nice little step back to this:

The carnage was crazy and dramatic and very Game of Thrones, but did that make sense? Hmmmmm …..

Thoughts? Mad queen Dany is mean and everyone should feel bad. Very disappointed, we spent a decade watching the emergence of a really great leader, with a very cool and consistent message like "break the wheel", before having completely returned to the last minute crucial. Not sure that makes sense, but I had fun watching everything unfold.

I have the impression that a backlash is imminent.

Next week will be extremely interesting.



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