Gamelon’s wand so that we can suffer them again, 27 years later •


An amateur video game developer remade CD-i Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon games.

Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon are two action-adventure video games developed by Animation Magic and released by Philips Interactive Media for CD-i on October 10, 1993 in North America and December 25, 1993 in Europe.

Both games are based on The Legend of Zelda franchise, but are not considered part of the official series and were the precursors of the infamous CD-i Zelda’s Adventure game. All three Zelda CD-i games are considered among the worst in The Legend of Zelda franchise.

And yet, for an amateur developer calling themselves Dopply on Twitter, Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon were perfect games for learning to use the GameMaker game engine, and so on, during four years. , both titles received the remake treatment.

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“I wanted to prove to myself that I could make a game,” Dopply said in an FAQ. “It started out as a joke among friends, but then I wanted to see if I could really pull it off. I flirted with making games for a while but never finished something. It was my chance to do it. do (well, on the Over Time, the remastered versions of those notorious titles were something I wanted for myself as well. “

Dopply’s Link: Faces of Evil and Zelda: Gamelon’s Wand include widescreen mode, remastered mode for less frustrating gameplay, subtitles, tweaked sprites, and unlockables. The games have been remade from the ground up, so the movement, enemy spawns, and various other bits and bobs are different. But the remakes are based on the originals and closely mimic them. “I did my best to create what I think a modern version of these games would look and play,” Dopply explained.

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“I definitely underestimated the challenge (after all, it took me about four years in my spare time),” continued Dopply. Fortunately, the nature of the originals made a remake using the original elements easier to pull out and hide some of the amateur coding that I would definitely redo if I was starting from scratch these days. But it was really the one. goal, really, to get through a whole ‘simple’ game from start to finish and see if I could replicate and improve it. “

So what does Dopply think of the games themselves?

“I think they’re doing fine. These new releases definitely improve them, IMHO. They have a terrible reputation, except for the hilarious cutscenes (which I love and never aged over the years. hundreds of hours of testing, by the way) but when it comes to games, if you give them non-horrible control patterns and decent performance, they’re fine. As a connoisseur of bad and weird games, I have certainly played worse.

“I also think the background art is really beautiful and the music is fantastic. I’m delighted that people are discovering the excellent soundtrack for the first time.”

I saw a lot of love for Dopply’s project on social media, despite the two games’ reputation among Zelda fans. And it seems the response surprised Dopply as well.

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The natural thought is that Nintendo can issue Dopply with a cease and desist, as it so loves to do. But if it did it would be a recognition of a few games by default, I imagine he would rather forget. So maybe Dopply is safe with this one.


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