"Gel-like" substance found on the other side of the moon


The Chinese lunar rover, Yutu-2, has discovered a strange gel-like substance on the far side of the moon. The substance, described as having "fascinating colors" and a "mysterious luster", was found at the bottom of a small crater of recent impact on the Moon.

According to Yutu-2's "logbook" published by the government-approved Chinese language publication Our Space, the substance was "very different from the surrounding lunar soil". China has not yet shared the images of the material, but she shared a picture of the impact crater.

One of the possible explanations, according to Space.com, is that the material is glass that formed when a meteorite hit the moon's surface and created the crater. The Yutu-2 rover is part of the Chinese Chang'e 4 mission, the first to explore the dark side of the moon. Since landing on the moon in January, Chang'e-4 and Yutu-2 are conducting research and exploration work in and around the Von Kármán crater.

It is believed that the crater is composed of various chemical compounds, including thorium, iron oxide and titanium dioxide, which could provide clues about the origin of the lunar mantle. The mission has covered a total of 890 feet up to now and will now continue its journey west.


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