Gene editing ‘blocks transmission of virus’ in human cells


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Paris (AFP)

Scientists have used CRISPR gene-editing technology to successfully block transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in infected human cells, according to research published Tuesday that may pave the way for Covid-19 treatments.

Writing in the journal Nature Communications, Australian researchers said the tool was effective against viral transmission in lab tests, adding that they hoped to start animal testing soon.

CRISPR, which allows scientists to alter DNA sequences and alter gene function, has already shown promise in removing the genetic coding that drives cancer development in children.

Tuesday’s study team used an enzyme, CRISPR-Cas13b, which binds to relevant RNA sequences on the new coronavirus and degrades the genome it needs to replicate inside human cells.

Lead author Sharon Lewin from Australia’s Peter Doherty Institute for Infections and Immunity told AFP the team designed the CRISPR tool to recognize SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid -19.

“Once the virus is recognized, the CRISPR enzyme is activated and cuts the virus,” she said.

“We targeted several parts of the virus – very stable and unchanging parts and very changing parts – and all of them worked really well at chopping the virus. “

The technique has also been successful in stopping viral replication in samples of so-called “variants of concern” such as Alpha.

Although there are already several Covid-19 vaccines on the market, the available treatment options are still relatively scarce and only partially effective.

– ‘Need for better treatments’ –

Lewin said the use of the CRISPR technique in widely available medicine was likely “years, not months.”

But she insisted that the tool could still prove useful in the fight against Covid-19.

“We still need better treatment for people hospitalized for Covid,” Lewin said.

“Our current choices here are limited and at best they reduce the risk of death by 30%.”

Lewin said the ideal treatment would be a simple antiviral, taken by mouth, which patients are given as soon as they test positive for Covid-19.

This would prevent them from becoming seriously ill and, in turn, alleviate the pressure on hospitals and health care systems.

“This approach – test and treat – would only be feasible if we had a cheap, oral, nontoxic antiviral available. That’s what we hope to someday achieve with this genetic scissor approach,” Lewin said.

Co-author Mohamed Fareh of the Peter MacCallum Cancer Center said another benefit of the research was its potential for application to other viral diseases.

“Unlike conventional antiviral drugs, the power of this tool lies in its flexibility of design and adaptability, making it suitable against a multitude of pathogenic viruses, including influenza, Ebola and possibly HIV,” he said. -he declares.


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