Gene Simmons: “Who Killed the Music Business? The fans did it ‘


GENE SIMMONS: “Who killed the music business?  The fans did it '

In a new interview with US Weekly, TO KISS bassist / singer Gene Simmons spoke again of the decline of the music industry, with consumers prioritizing ownership and experiences over assets.

“Overall, new artists will never have the chance that we have, because the record companies would give us millions dollars – once we get it – like an advance, unrecoverable, with a royalty system and all that, “he said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). “And so we didn’t have to work the day. Now if you’re a new band you can’t make a living because all the freckled college kids – who by the way hate me – Because what I’m saying is stealing. You steal by downloading and sharing this music. It doesn’t affect me; our band came before, when it was a real business. But the new ones artists, you break my heart. It’s like newborn babies who are born without being able to feed themselves. You take food in their mouths, so they have to work for a living and do not have enough time for their art.

“Who killed the music business? The fans did it,” he continued. “Not an alien power, not aliens; the fans killed him. And who do I blame? Record companies for not chasing that first putz who dared to enter the henhouse and steal eggs and a hen for free. that first fox in this henhouse to get eggs without paying him, the rest of the foxes are coming in. Uh-oh, we have to be careful.

“So Pandora’s Box was opened. There are hundreds of millions of fans around the world who are being trained [in their minds] don’t pay for music. So what does it do for new bands? It kills them. When you take away the value of something, it by definition becomes worthless.

“Imagine being a farmer, and you sell eggs and chickens – that’s what you do. And this cute first little fox comes in and steals an egg. And the farmer is going to try to shoot the fox, because, ‘ Hey, you ‘I’m stealing my life. And the woman said,’ Don’t [shoot the fox]. This is so cute.’ This cute little fox brings the egg back to where all the foxes are: “Hey, we’ve got a sucker here. Let’s go get chickens and eggs. Before you know it, there are no chickens; no eggs, the farmer is no longer in business; the trucks that transported the farmers’ things to the market have broken down because they have no tricks; the supermarkets that used to sell the stuff are bankrupt. Everyone’s bankrupt because that first putz, that first little hole in the Titanic, caused the whole ship to sink. “

It’s far from the first time Uncomfortable painted a grim picture of the state of rock music. In 2014 he said Squire magazine that “rock did not die of old age. He was murdered. A certain genius, somewhere, was going to speak and now he won’t be anymore because it is much more difficult to make a living playing and writing songs. No one will pay you to do it. “

A number of hard rock and heavy metal musicians have looked into the subject in various interviews over the past few years, some going into more depth. Simmonscomplete remarks and others which only ignore the title.

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