Genetic intelligence of Chinese babies with genetic graft can be improved – BGR


At the end of last year, a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, boldly stated that he produced what would be the world's first genetically modified human being. Working with embryos from families whose parents were HIV-positive, the scientist used CRISPR gene modification technology to suppress a specific gene.

Researchers now believe that binoculars that would be born healthy could actually have an alteration of brain function. In fact, it is possible that the deletion of the gene, called CCR5, has made them smarter than they otherwise would have been, but it will take some time before we know it.

As Review of MIT technology According to reports, the CCR5 genes of Lulu and Nana babies were removed during the gene editing process when they were still embryos. This gene has been associated with the suppression of cognitive function in laboratory tests. Real-world observations also suggest that the CCR5 gene is not associated with higher intelligence at school and a new study suggests that its absence could help individuals recover more quickly after a traumatic event such as a stroke. ;a cerebral vascular accident.

He Jiankui did not specify whether he had any intention of altering the cognitive abilities of the children he had experienced on, and never told him he thought that he was not going to be a kid. there was a link between the CCR5 gene and cognitive function. The last time we heard about him, the scientist was reportedly under house arrest, the Chinese government deciding how to handle the case.

Of course, no one knows whether the brains of the little girls at the heart of this mess have been significantly affected. Scientists who follow the case have noted that we will not know the full impact of the changes it has made until children grow up.

Nevertheless, there is a good reason why the genetics community is so strongly opposed to human modification, and this is an excellent example. If girls find themselves a little smarter, it's one thing, but the opposite (or worse) might also be true. We will not know for a moment.

Image Source: HelloRF / Shutterstock


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