Geneticists unravel the mystery of awkwardness


Regions of the brain influenced by accuracy.
Graphic: G Douaud, Oxford University.

According to a new article, a series of genetic variants can affect tolerance.

No, researchers have not discovered a "gene transfer". However, thanks to the brain imaging of 9,000 people in the UK, researchers have listed a number of genetic variations that contribute to how different brain processes end up on either side of the brain. This, in turn, influences the accuracy – and can also influence the fact that some people develop certain neurological diseases, according to the document published in the journal Brain.

"The bias in the distribution of hands is a purely human characteristic. Prehistoric art tells us that about 90% of men are right-handed for at least 10,000 years, "the study's author, Dominic Furniss, told Gizmodo in an e-mail. "Most other animals have a much more uniform distribution of right-handed and left-handed individuals. Therefore, starting to understand what is responsible for this distribution in humans helps us begin to understand the question "What makes us human?"

Despite its omnipresence vis-à-vis the human experience, many unresolved issues are related to human nature, such as the difference between left and right brains and the influence of genetics.

Furniss, associate professor at the University of Oxford in the UK, and his collaborators rely on data from the British Biobank, a study of 500,000 people who have proposed their physical and genetic data , as well as their medical records. The researchers specifically examined the data, including brain images, from 721 leftists and 6,685 justices included in the set.

The analysis revealed four sites of our genomes whose identity was associated with awkwardness, three of which were also associated with brain development, particularly language-related areas.

"We found that, in left-handed participants, the linguistic areas on the left and right sides of the brain communicated in a more coordinated way," said Akira Wiberg, a researcher at Oxford University and lead author of the study. , said in a press release.

But the research also found links between these areas and various neurological and psychiatric health problems, including an increased likelihood of schizophrenia and anorexia nervosa and a reduced likelihood of having Parkinson's disease, according to the paper. The effects of these genes on diseases remain "relatively modest," the authors write.

It is important to note that this study aimed to find correlations in the data for a specific population. This is not a decisive link between genes and authenticity, nor between authenticity and neurological disorders. The authors claim that a replication study with another large group of people would be needed to confirm their findings. "We did not discover" the gene of the grip, "said Furniss. Instead, the study concludes that "the probability of becoming left-handed is influenced by many genetic variants and other non-genetic factors, all of which influence the structure and function of our brain."

Still, it's an exciting job and the first study of its kind. And myself leftist is better to understand the functioning of my strange brain.


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