Geopolitical Party representative Mike Turner said the representative, Adam Schiff, should resign from the panel of experts.


"I think he has to step down, I think his leadership is compromised, as I said, for three reasons," said Turner, who represents Ohio, to CNN's Alisyn Camerota on Tuesday. .

"First, he stood in front of the American people and said things that were not true.Second, he attacked his Republican colleagues in the committee and divided the subject by saying things that The third thing is that the committee, which is charged with the protection of national security and intelligence, has become a blood feud against President Donald Trump's family and even against the Trump campaign. "

Turner declined to say who he would like to replace Schiff's resignation, instead of saying "that's obviously the decision of (House Speaker) Nancy Pelosi." When asked if she still trusted Schiff on Monday, Pelosi replied, "Oh, please." Schiff also dismissed calls from Republicans urging him to side with CNN, declaring to CNN's Manu Raju that he was "more accustomed to attacks from my GOP colleagues and that I did not get caught up". expect nothing less ".

Turner also said that Schiff's statements about possible Russian collusion should be a reason for him to step down.

"He was not forthright with the American public or with you, when we would have hearings during the campaign and coordination of the Trump Intelligence Committee, we would hear witnesses like you know it now, came in and said: "I have no evidence of collusion, I do not know anyone else who has evidence of collusion." And he was heading towards the cameras and said, "We are getting closer," he said.

Last month, Schiff told Dana Bash, of CNN, about "the state of the Union" that "you can see evidence prominently on the issue of collusion, pretty convincing evidence. There is now a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt. "

At the time, Schiff, a California Democrat, had spoken of a meeting between senior officials of the Trump campaign and the Russians in June 2016, allegedly offering the Kremlin the opportunity to smear the Democratic candidate's candidacy for election. 39th presidential election Hillary Clinton.

"All this is a proof of collusion, and you have to either look to the other side to say that it's not, or you have to have a different word for it, because it's a corrupt treatment with a foreign opponent during a campaign, "Schiff said then.

Special advocate Robert Mueller has not found Trump's campaign nor his associates conspired with Russia, said Sunday Attorney General William Barr. Mueller's investigation into whether the president had obstructed the court did not find that the president had committed a crime, but she "does not exonerate her either," quoted Mr. Barr in Mueller's report.
In a summary presented to Congress about the investigation, Barr explained that after reviewing Mueller's report and consulting with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he had concluded that, on the basis of the evidence developed during the investigation of the special advocate and the directions of the federal prosecutor, the Ministry of Justice could not rule. prosecution against the president for obstruction. And this conclusion was drawn without regard to the Department's generally accepted policy of not indicting a sitting President.

Schiff, along with the Speaker of the Judiciary, Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York and the House's chairman of the board, Elijah Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland, said in a statement Sunday that Mueller, whose full report is not yet public, refused to sue for conspiracy to join the group. with Russia's "online misinformation, piracy and online dissemination efforts", while asserting that they still need to know more about Mueller's report and the underlying evidence.

"Although we trust that Special Adviser Mueller has delivered the prosecution's judgment in these two specific areas – despite the very public evidence of the Trump campaign's contact with the desire to receive help from Russian agents – it will vital for the country and the Congress to: evaluate all the evidence gathered by the special council, including any information collected having a counter-intelligence nature, "said the presidents.

On Monday, minority House leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, and minority whip Steve Scalise, a Republican from Louisiana, also called for Schiff's resignation from the committee, citing his claims about "evidence "of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia Election of 2016.

"President Schiff stated that he had more indirect evidence that there was collusion, that he misled or misled people. even mislead, he should be held responsible, "Scalise told reporters on Monday.

CNN's Jeremy Herb contributed to this report.


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