George Conway calls Trump "incompetent", "stupid" in tweetstorm.


President Donald Trump addresses reporters on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, on March 22, 2019.

President Donald Trump addresses reporters on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, on March 22, 2019.

MANDEL NGAN / Getty Images

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway's husband recanted on Saturday morning, writing a series of tweets that severely criticized his wife's boss. This time, George Conway has focused much of his criticism on how President Donald Trump has created a lot of confusion with a tweet in which he seemed to cancel the new sanctions imposed on North Korea. Later, officials said Trump seemed to be referring to sanctions that had not yet been formally pronounced.

"Of course, as usual, Trump is incompetent," George Conway wrote Saturday morning, noting that the president's tweet managed to baffle everyone. "Apart from his mental instability, he is simply incompetent," wrote George Conway. "Stupid."

Conway then criticized the president for his apparent efforts to become a buddy buddy with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. "The real story here is, again, pathological narcissism. Why did Trump waive the sanctions? " Conway asked. "Do not promote the national interests of the United States – no informed person could think that. No, it's that he "likes" KJU, says the WH. He "loves" this butchery. "Even if the North Korean dictator" kills with anti-aircraft batteries, "Trump likes him because" he writes big, beautiful and mostly flattering letters that play for his ego. "Finally, the narcissistic impulses of the president are"going beyond the national interests of our country. "

Conway went after the murder by writing that "in our lifetime there has never been a president so singularly unfit for the presidency or any public office. As if that were not surprising enough, "what is even more remarkable is that * almost every day *, Trump is doing something new to get the message across.

The quarrel between Kellyanne Conway's husband and Trump is not new, but it has reached new heights this week after Trump directly attacked George Conway on Twitter. "George Conway, often called Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife's success and angry that I did not give him, with his help, the work he so desperately desired," Trump tweeted on Wednesday morning. "I barely know him, but take a look, a LOSER and a hell husband!" Continued Trump. He then continued his attack, telling reporters that George Conway was a "job" that "did a disservice to a wonderful woman." Kellyanne Conway defended Trump's criticism of her husband. I've left him alone for months out of respect for me, "Conway told Politico." But you think he should not react when someone, a health professional, l & # 39; 39, accuses of having a mental disorder? Do you think that he should just take that sitting?


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