Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signs bill on marijuana sales for medical purposes


Governor Brian Kemp enacted Wednesday a bill to develop and sell marijuana for medical purposes in Georgia, an important milestone for patients who are allowed to use this drug but who have no way of l & # 39; buy.

The new law creates a new but limited marijuana industry in Georgia, with up to 9 acres of indoor growing space for growing marijuana oil for medical purposes. The oil will then be sold to the growing number of medical marijuana users registered in the state – 9,500 so far.

Georgia has allowed patients licensed by a doctor to own cannabis oil since 2015, but until now, current law prohibited the purchase, sale or transportation of cannabis. ;oil. These restrictions forced patients and their families to buy the drug by mail, visiting other states or visiting friends.

"All they want is just to help their children recover," Kemp said before signing the bill at the state capitol. "We are making sure these families can buy what works for their loved ones without creating a slippery slope that undermines our values."

Although marijuana sales for medical purposes are now legal, that does not mean they will start soon. More than a year will probably be needed before state approved medical marijuana oil reaches the hands of patients.

The state government still has to appoint members of a supervisory board, develop regulations and allow up to six private companies to grow marijuana for medical purposes. Then, it will be necessary to plant and harvest seeds and the government will have to approve dispensaries to sell the product.

At least three companies have hired lobbyists to advance the bill in this year's legislative session.

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Patient families surrounding Kemp welcomed the signing of the bill, saying it would provide essential treatment for epileptic seizures, end-stage cancers, Parkinson's disease and other diseases.

Katie Harrison, who uses marijuana oil for medical purposes to reduce seizures in her 6-year-old son, said it was a "huge market" for patients and their loved ones to systematically access marijuana for medical purposes without having to resort to the black market.

"It will no longer be illegal to have our medications," said Harrison. "It's the only thing that really made the difference. We have seen all other pharmaceuticals fail. "

Georgia joins 33 other states that already have marijuana programs for medical purposes. Ten states have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes.

It is still illegal in Georgia to smoke or vape marijuana. Only marijuana oil containing less than 5% THC, the compound that gives the highest pot, is allowed.

"It is a journey that has been long and difficult, but it is now a victory for each of these citizens," said state representative Micah Gravley, a Douglasville Republican who sponsored the legislation.

A seven-member council, called the Commission for Access to Medical Cannabis in Georgia, will oversee the program. The commission will be appointed by Lieutenant Governor Kemp, Geoff Duncan, and Speaker David Ralston.

"Now the hard work begins," said Allen Peake, a former state representative in Macon, who led the efforts to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. "The implementation of the bill is crucial to ensure that the process is carried out efficiently and quickly and that the drugs are delivered to families as quickly as possible."

It is possible that marijuana oil for medical purposes may reach patients by methods other than those of private producers.

Bill 324, signed by Kemp, allows pharmacies to sell the drug if they are licensed by the State Pharmacy Board.

The bill also calls on the University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University to apply for licenses to produce and manufacture oil. In addition, the supervisory commission could try to obtain marijuana for medical purposes from other states.

Supporters of marijuana for medical purposes have expressed hope that pharmacies or universities could help provide access to marijuana, but they believe that private companies will be the most reliable way to buy the drug.

"Families had to go into hiding to get this oil. Now they can get it legally in the state of Georgia, "said state representative Calvin Smyre, a Columbus Democrat and chair of the Fort Valley State University Foundation. "The key is to get the commission appointed and operational."

Georgia's university system is currently reviewing legislation and will work closely with the governor's office and stakeholders to enforce the law, spokeswoman Jen Ryan said.

The medical marijuana proposal was compromised at the Georgia General Assembly until Kemp helped negotiate an agreement between House and Senate leaders who struggled to find a balance between the access of legitimate patients to the prevention of the illegal distribution of marijuana.

The sheriffs of Georgia and the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a Christian non-profit organization, opposed this proposal, saying it would lead to increased drug use and possibly legalization for recreational purposes.

But after Kemp and the legislators reached an agreement, the bill was easily passed by both the State House and the Senate on the last day of this year's legislative session, held earlier this month. .

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