Germany begins to test its "electric highway"


They should be launched on May 14th or 15th.
Elon Musk presents SpaceX's first Internet satellites ready for take-off

This is perhaps your best chance to take a look at SpaceX's Internet Starlink satellites before they are launched into orbit. Elon Musk has released a photo of the first 60 production satellites packed into the refit of a Falcon 9 rocket in anticipation of their launch next week. As you can see, the case is crowded with gills – Musk added that the satellites are "flat packed", without the distributor you might expect for some missions.

A quieter highway.Germany tests its first "electric highway" for trucks

Germany has begun concrete tests of its "electric motorways" on a stretch of motorway located on a distance of 3 km between Frankfurt and Darmstadt. its combustion engine. It's like a very long tram, but good.

From a curious little child to a preteen inventor, and all the rest.
The best coding kits for kids

There are many reasons to register a little code in your children's playtime, that it's an improvement in logic capabilities, a better communication or simply a ridiculous one. So, obviously, there are many reasons to have your child coded. The next question is how. Well, we have browsed the Internet (and some traditional stores) in search of the best toys and kits to take your kids from curious little kids to full-fledged inventors.

Players can not be satisfied with the success of others.
Respawn will ban players 'Apex Legends' who team up with their teams

As part of a more general update of his projects, Respawn warned that he was going to temporarily ban Apex players who added, that is, dump the success of their teammates without participating in the matches. The policy will not come into effect immediately, but it could result in permanent bans in "extreme cases".

Piggybacking is not unique to Apex or the battle-royal genre, but it may be a bigger problem than some titles. Currently, you can not play solo in Apex, and the reward system is heavily focused on upgrading if you're not willing to pay in real money. As such, it is tempting to simply stay idle in games or do the bare minimum to gain experience without making any contribution.

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